Thursday, November 27, 2008
271198 - Livejournal
Hey guys, will be using Livejournal for a while. Just wanna see which one works better with me, blogger or livejournal.
http://t-rickster.livejournal.comYeah, will be updating there from now on, pictures and all, so go there and give comments yeah
After a while, if I feel I prefer blogger, I'll let you know. For now, this blog is out.
Posted by B at 7:12 PM
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Prefect camp was awesome. Unfortunately, while playing "vertical limit"(i hate that game...because...), I bruised my spine again. At first, it was okay, but just like...abut fifteen minutes ago it started hurting like hell...(thus my reason for hating the game. THE KNEE JOINTS OF THE PERSON I'M LYING ON ALWAYS HITS MY TAILBONE!)
Because of this, I won't be able to go for tomorrow's prefect camp. Shit it to hell. It was so fun, too.
Well, I could use this time to catch up on my writing and biographies...
It's about time to go sleep soon. I'm tired...
Close-up on a fox in Hokkaido. They're surprisingly tame, except for one which always picked fights with others. I'll be putting its picture up next time. Ironically, it's the most beautiful one too, the one that doesn't look like the fighting type.
Anyways, this fox tends to remind me of Ryan. The emo-ness. XD
Oh my, it'll be tomorrow in about 3 minutes.
Posted by B at 11:48 PM
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
...Jeremy, I hate you.
He crashed my computer. Yes, Jeremy(Ayrton's friend, if you've forgotten) has been coming around for the past few days or so. He (unintentionally) installed something called "Cheating Death" for Counter Strike.
Anyways, when I woke up the next day and turned on my computer, everything changed. My wallpaper, my theme, my icons all gone, and shit, some of the musicals too.
I was pissed off.
Then I was happy, my mom said maybe I could get a new phone! The same phone that Ayrton and I both want. Which I asked for first. So my mom said we could both have it. So why is it that when it is I who asked it for it first, have to wait until January to get it while Ayrton gets it immediately?
I was pissed.
Jeff Dunham helped. ^^
Anyways, now peicing my computer back again. ^^ Tomorrow is prefect camp. Not overnight camp, though.
Anyways, how is it I get so many views but not as many tags? Ahem. XD
おやすみ!!I'll be posting pictures of my previous Hokkaido trip, to relieve memories! (●^ω^●)
Look how tame the wolf is!!
Posted by B at 8:51 PM
Sunday, November 23, 2008
...I can't breath...because I'm laughing too much... XD
Just finished laughing with my brothers and Jaslin. Was playing an innocent game of UNO. Then we kept cracking jokes and laughed until my stomach hurt. Then I had to do a forfiet.
Afterward, while playing one last round, my dad was out on the couch and was sleeping. That was fine. Until the snoring started.
"*while laughing* I wonder if that's natural..."
"Belle, you bastard!"
"I seriously think he's awake! I mean, I can't even snore that loud even if I tried!"
Ayrton: *the finger but still laughing*
"Can someone get me a clip?! I want to clip his nose!"
"Belle, shut up!"
On the whole, we just kept laughing. During one of the loudest snores, Ayron tried to run away, I wanted to forfeit the damn game and Ayrton pretended to kill himself with the scissors on the table. XD
It was down to Ayron and Ayrton when that happened. In the end, Ayron won the game and we started to escape. I can still hear my beloved Dad outside snoring. X3
...I wonder how Mom sleeps at night. XD
There's a prefect meeting tomorrow, damn. Oh wells...can't be helped.
We spent about, two hours on the whole, outside in the living room, playing cards. I kept losing at first but then I said it was retribution for me beating Jaslin in Snakes & Ladders a few minutes ago. XD ooh...LUCKY!
Alright, gotta go sleep soon. Only...I'M NOT TIRED! Shit
Posted by B at 11:15 PM
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Today was Swiss' Open House and I think Drama Club did a good job. And let me just say, I LOVE OUR SWISS BAND! I also love the music genres Jazz and Rythm & Blues. Anyone kind enough to buy CDS of those for me? ^^
Then there was a briefing for the New Zealand trip in China Town so I left at12:30 instead of 2. Yeah.
I didn't do much today, yeah. Now enjoying a good, hot cup of tea. Hmm...warm and nice. *drool*
Posted by B at 9:00 PM
Friday, November 21, 2008
...I realize the differences now. I'm Niou face-to-face with people. Yagyuu, behind technology.
I just finished trying out the old winter clothes for the Hokkaido trip. I also accquired a brand new wind-breaker for the New Zealand trip too. I will be taking my dinner in about ten minutes. Until then, I hope to relieve myself of boredom by reading up fanfictions.
Posted by B at 6:49 PM
211108 - Cervical Cancer
If there's one thing I really hate, it's people threatening me.
My mom still wants me to take three fucking injections to prevent cervical cancer. Here's the threatening part: She said she would uy everything new for us next year when we move, including a new laptop which is what I'm looking forward to the most. But now, she says if I don't take the injections, she won't get it for me. Neither will she allow me to buy it myself with my own money I earn with scrimping and saving. Bottom line, she's not letting me get a new laptop, whether its with her money or mine.
She can't take the cervical cancer treatments shots because she's already had sexual intercourse and she read from a pamphlet MONTHS ago that it is most effective between the ages of 12 - 16.
I'm 14 next year.
So, basically, if I agree to take the shots, she's gonna get me the best laptop in all of the land right now. I don't gotta wait until next year. And I will be prevented from cervical cancer for the rest of my life.
On the other hand, I will be taking three bloody shots where the needles are bloody big and it's gonna hurt like a bitch. Even though they say there's a cream that will numb my arm. Guess what? I tried the cream before and then put a penknife to the area, it still hurt. I could feel it.
More over, the chances of me getting it is only 20%. So, there's an 80% chance that everything will be fine.
I think I can honestly say right now, that the only way anyone will get me to get an injection is if it's compulsory or it involves saving someone's life. e.g., hold a gun to someone's head. Someone I know and then say that if I don't take the shots, they'll pull the trigger and BAM!
If it's someone I don't know, I still won't agree to it.
That's how much I fucking hate needles.
So I gave my mom an example. I asked her if eating three cockroaches would ensure she won't ever get cervical cancer, would she do it? And remember, there's only a 20% chance of it happening.
My mom didn't reply. She just said, "okay, okay! Never mind! Your choice!"
So screw the new laptop, I can live with this computer just fine. I'm not taking the shots.
And if you're thinking about how stupid I am for being like this right now, put yourself in my shoes. Same situation, different circumstances.
You have to do something you are bloody scared of so that you won't ever get cancer. You have to do it three times. It's gonna hurt, it's gonna be frightening. But there's only a freaking
20% chance that you will get cancer. To make it
0%, you have to do this thin three times.
There is an
80% chance that you'll be fine. Would you do it? Don't just say 'yes, I'll do it'. Really think about it. Because whatever you fear is to you, it's needles to me.
Posted by B at 4:57 PM
Thursday, November 20, 2008
201108 - YAGYUUXNIOU!! pairing I am helplessly in love with!! The Gentleman making the rice ball, the Trickster eating it. ^^

This is Yagyuu, the Gentleman. Second favourite character in PoT. ^^

Niou Masaharu, the Trickster of the Courts.
I was looking for some websites the other day on these two, and I read something about them being the ideal Pairing in PoT.
Oh yes, found another bat in the curtains in the hall. xD
Posted by B at 8:40 PM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
...I'm tired. I have chills running down the back of my spine. Was watching Doomsday with mom and Jaslin and it is just too damn gory for me... My teeth are literally chattering right now. Not even halfway into the movie, I retreated back into my room.
Anyways, Faith and Reuben are back from Cebu! HEY YOU TWO! WELCOME BACK! ^^
Got school tomorrow. Darn. AT EIGHT IN THE FRICKING MORNING!!
Oh wells. Good night for now. ^^
Posted by B at 7:31 PM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
...prodigy. That's what she called me. A prodigy in what, I ain't exactly sure. So I asked. She said everything. Coming from a woman at least ten years older than. Ten years more of experience and she calls me a prodigy.
Anyways, today, I'm glad I went for drama! While practicing on the stage with the curtains closed so the badminton club couldn't see us, by the side, there are 3 more curtains, all tied up. I heard some like... squeaking? coming from the middle one.
We got a stick and started poking it. we opened up one of the folds and saw a black rat. When we got the teacher, it wasn't a rat at all. It was a bat. A bloody bat bigger than my hand. It was so cute! A little scary but so cute!
We opened the closed curtains and once the light got in, it started flying about! All drama club members just squated down but the badminton club... HAHA!! They gathered together in one bunch before squating down all together! XD XD XD
Gotta go for Japanese lesson now. Blog again tonight if anything worth blogging comes up. ^^
Posted by B at 1:04 PM
...I'm tired. I don't want to go for CCA. I don't want to go for my Japanese lesson. I don't want to go out. I want to stay home. Home where I can work. Yes, a type of
work that I actually enjoy.
Mainly reading and writing, learning a bit more Japanese on my own. I just home.
I woke up at six today, so I could get in a few more hours of computer before I left for school. Now, I'm really considering not going. I just really don't like to go to school during the holidays.
Then I gotta rush home, eat my lunch and then head out again. And most probably, drama club is gonna keep us back for a while more, twenty minutes at most. Damn.
And I learned that I'm Amanda's group for CIP and I will have to sing to the children. I wonder what songs...
Yeah, anyways, off to go find more Niou and Yagyuu fanfiction. I love that pairing. The Trickster and the Gentleman. Have been on this pairing craze for about a month. THEY ARE THE ULTIMATE PAIR IN THE HISTORY OF PAIRS! Well, to me at least.
It's pure genius.
Konomi Takeshi, you are a genius. A GENIUS!
I love Niou and Yagyuu... Maybe I'll get a picture of them ^^
Now that I think about it...Ryan is no way like Niou. No fricking way. He's more like Hirakoba Rin. And why the Hell am I rambling when you all don't even know what I'm talking about?!
Ah, blasting off folks.
And why do they have to give Kawai Ryusuke a role in the musicals where he DOESN'T smile when he looks so much better smiling?
Posted by B at 7:46 AM
Saturday, November 15, 2008
...sometimes I feel like the characters, Niou and Yagyuu with Ryan. He's Niou, I'm Yagyuu.
N: I changed?
Y: Who said that?
N: U know wat the Fuck i mean
Y: I have no idea what you are talking about.
N: "Somehow... Thts what belle said, you're nt so much of a JERK and nt as jumpy or something like that."
N: Speechless? Or?
Y: Hardly. I merely said you were in better moods.
...Niou, the rash, rude one. Yagyuu, also known as the Gentleman. ...bleh.
And sometimes I feel like Niou and Yagyuu altogether. Niou, the Trickster. Yagyuu, the Gentleman.
Sometimes, I feel like Niou and then I become really enthu and I wanna do crazy things like the pail over the door trick. Or put sleeping powder into the teachers' water. Or alcohol. Or steal people's shoes and put thumb tacks everywhere.
I feel like Yagyuu when...well, when my speech pattern changes. Or when I don't want to get into trouble. Then I start acting innocent. something like that, I think.
Anyways, i finally got off my lazy ass to go charge my camera and then transfer the photos. The two shots are of my tattoos for halloween. Not all, but most of 'em.

The first one I put on. The one that looks the most realistic too.

My arms. There were more on the underside. xD
Posted by B at 6:11 PM
Friday, November 14, 2008
141108 - Arthur
I have come to the freakily weird (to me at least) cocclusion that I love hugs.
Warm, friendly hugs. =/
Yeah. Weird. Whatever. I realised that my one-year anniversary with my blog just passed three days ago. xD
KenKen updated his blog a few times recently. I just didn't check. Well, my blog is mostly dead but I suppose that's good. I can type all the real personal stuff here. For some reason, I can type all I want. Then after reading it after I posted, I go back and delete it.
This has in fact, happened more times than I can count. I started asking myself, why am I clamming up? I don't know why I'm posting this. I'll most probably go back and delete it anyways.
I suppose...I need some release. But it doesn't work if I erase it all again.
Let me say all the things I deleted. Summarized, of course. Most of them was about me appreciating this friend anyways. I mentioned him in my last blog entry, I think? Or the one before that.
Arthur. (connecticut)
Yeah, I love Arthur for being there.
Other posts were about...regret. The feeling I hated the most.
Anyways, that's about it. Oh yes, I was looking through some old emails. Some of e'm were short and sweet and some were long and thougtful. I took the the sweetest short one. Okay, maybe not the sweetest but amongst them. I couldn't post the others. They were too personal. XP
Anyways, this email is also to let you know a bit about how Arthur is like. Or at that time, he was 19john_doe91. It wasn't until my 12th birthday that he let me know his name. Although...I have a sinking suspicion that 'Arthur' is a fake name. Oh wells, I'll trust him.
By the way, devilking666 was another good friend of mine in GB. Maybe not as good as Dirge or Arthur, but good enough that I played two-on-two games with him as my partner. ^^
Salutations, trickster12. (my username in GB before)
are you well? devilking666 and i assumed only an illness would keep you away from gb for a week. do rest up and get well soon. is it headaches? get more sleep. is it a sore throat? keep away from snacks. is it muscle pains? press some hot tea on it, the heat will numb the area i'm told. is it a cold? no cold drinks. is it an upset stomach? sorry, but i don't have any remedies for an upset stomach. we, well mostly me, hope to see you online soon. rest up.
till next time, adieu.
That was Arthur. Sent on August 6th, 2006. In case you don't know, "John Doe" is what investigators call the victim if they do not have and identification. xD
Posted by B at 7:35 PM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I'm now using a Nokia. My mom came home, told me to lend my Samsung to my dad, because his own Samsung suddenly blacked out and he was used to Samsung. So I lent mine to him and took my Aunt's one. ^^
It's really not that bad. This model came out this year. It's black, slide phone and it's rather adequate, I'll tell you that.
Alright, just rambling here.
... 眼い... (nemui = sleepy)
xD a little bit of Japanese lessons put to use there... honto nemui...
Well, I suppose I should get to sleep now then!
おやすみ!(Oyasumi = good night) ☆
Posted by B at 11:05 PM
I'm so tired right now. I got one heck of a headache. Dammit...
The rain just stopped.
I love Arthur... is a funny game.
KenKen is so adorable here...
Posted by B at 6:02 PM
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Had some fun with John last night. And from the way he types on MSN and from the way a certain someone types on my tagboard every now and then, you must know by now that John is in fact, only an alias. Shall not reveal his real name although it's bloody obvious. xD
If you know, please don't say, yeah? Keep this fun. ^^
Anyways, nothing much to do now. I'm bored. Gonna write some more. I finished a story last night. I like it. Might post it. By the way, I added a link to my links. The first one. 'Stories'. Yeah, it's my deviantart account. I finally decided to make use of my deviantart then just using it to browse for art. xD
So far, only one story in there. Based on basketball, yeah. Let me know what you think... One of the newest ones. I think about two weeks ago?
Chatting with Reu, John and XinYi right now. Abz too. ^^ YEAH HE'S COMING BACK IN FIVE WEEKS!
But I only have 2 days to meet him! Leaving on the 26th, morning I think?
Okay, gonna go...and...slack for a while. I'm sleepy...
Posted by B at 11:05 AM
Saturday, November 8, 2008
(8:20 PM) Some ppl choose:
i fucking hate you knw
(8:20 PM) B: funny msn con:
i love u too bud(8:21 PM) Some ppl choose:
BELLLLLLLLLE(8:21 PM) B: funny msn con:
yes, john?(8:21 PM) Some ppl choose:
DAMN YOU(8:22 PM) B: funny msn con:
awww... U MISS ME?! I MISS U TOO!
(8:22 PM) Some ppl choose:
U SRE TESTING MY NERVE(8:23 PM) B: funny msn con:
i am?(8:23 PM) Some ppl choose:
YES(8:23 PM) Some ppl choose:
SERIOUSLY(8:23 PM) B: funny msn con:
Posted by B at 8:39 PM
Some funny conversations from today. ^^
(5:32 PM) `♥.} XιичιBαвч ;:
belle , can be a killer ? (:(5:32 PM) `♥.} XιичιBαвч ;:
SHIT , fcuk , afk .(5:32 PM) This is my story:
lalala(5:33 PM) B:
...(5:33 PM) B:
what do u mean "can be killer"(5:33 PM) This is my story:
i HAVE no idea(5:33 PM) `♥.} XιичιBαвч ;:
okay back .(5:33 PM) `♥.} XιичιBαвч ;:
uh , JOHN HAS AN IDEA :C(5:33 PM) `♥.} XιичιBαвч ;:
he don't want say nia .(5:33 PM) `♥.} XιичιBαвч ;:
{i need help t kill john}(5:34 PM) B:
...killing John?(5:34 PM) B:
i wouldnt mind(5:34 PM) This is my story:
lalala(5:34 PM) B:
but then who would i ditch u with?(5:34 PM) `♥.} XιичιBαвч ;:
STOP LALALA'ING :C(5:34 PM) `♥.} XιичιBαвч ;:
i'm not going t go out with him lerhhh .(5:34 PM) This is my story:
gd pt(6:52 PM) This is my story:
hey shut up(6:52 PM) This is my story:
i dare u say that to her(6:52 PM) This is my story:
oh no(6:52 PM) B:
u noe i was once a daredevil dude(6:53 PM) B:
but i gave that up(6:53 PM) This is my story:
but(6:53 PM) This is my story:
ur not in church(6:53 PM) This is my story:
(6:53 PM) B:
but now...i don't think i can resist a dare like that
(6:53 PM) B:
(6:53 PM) B:
i'll take that dare(6:54 PM) This is my story:
shut up(6:54 PM) B:
im talking to her(6:59 PM) This is my story:
oh come on it was an expression when i said i dare u to tell her(6:59 PM) B:
too late(7:01 PM) This is my story:
fuck you
(7:01 PM) This is my story:
damn you(7:01 PM) This is my story:
(7:01 PM) This is my story:
aw i love u too buddy!
(7:02 PM)
This is my story and your not a part of it is now Offline
Haha. I love chatting with John and Xin Yi. ^^ Yes, John is my age too ^^
And let me just say I love MSN Live PLUS
Posted by B at 7:59 PM
Friday, November 7, 2008
Blogging as I talk to Faith, Xin Yi and Ryan(Tin). Today was a looong day but I'm really just too lazy... XD Maybe tomorrow when I'm not so tired.
Hey, to YOU, you know who you are. Hey, thanks man. Though I knew you were just saying that, thanks for the effort. Makes me feel not so alone in this. The world would be a better place with more people like you out there. XD
More injuries and casualties, but overall, a much better place to live in. You're a nice guy when you want to be, despite what others say.
Posted by B at 8:49 PM
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Attended 2nd Japanese Lesson today. Was cool. Met the other student ^^
Then attended my Aunt's BD (Blue Diamond) party. She was promoted!! Seeing the videos, the speeches which I could somwhat not understand because they were speaking chinese, it inspired me.
I was thinking, before my aunt got promoted, she already aimed for a Blue Diamond position and through hard work, she got it...
I felt something at that moment, I don't know what it was.
I mean, I know people keep saying, have a goal! But I didn't believe in such things because I had never encountered someone actually obtaining their goal until now. I'll admit, I do believe in hard work.
But I always thought there'd be an easy way out. It's just how I am.
But not anymore! Whatever goals I'll have in the future, I'll accomplish them!
Anyways, having another three people conversation with Ryan(Tin) and Xin Yi. Going out tomorrow after CCA with them. It's time I spent some time outside with friends. XD
This abstract reminds me of a tornado. A GLASS tornado.
Posted by B at 10:26 PM
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Was tagged to do this quiz by Xin Yi. So, here I go.
What have you been doing recently?
-Slacking around at home.
Do you ever turn your cellphone off?
What happened at 10am today?
-I was sleeping.
When did you last cry?
-...can't remember.
Believe in fate/destiny?
-80% of the time.
What do you want in your life now?
-To be living in Japan.
Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
-Never been in one, but if I was in one, I don't think so...
Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
-Let's see...track pants, mine. Jersey, mine. Sweater over the jersey, mine. Nope, all mine.
What was the last movie you caught?
-The Coffin.
Does your crush know you like him/her?
-I don't have a crush on anyone. =P
Who always makes you laugh, without fail?
-Without fail? Um...Prince of Tennis actors. Especially backstage.
Do you speak other languages other than English?
-A bit of Chinese, a bit of Japanese.
Favourite websites?, my blog,
What are you doing tomorrow?
-Slacking. And then going for the Japanese make-up lesson at night.
What do you think you're like?
-Very violent. Sometimes a bit paranoid. Overly enthusiastic in company and dramatic, of course.
Who will you choose to die with? know, I honestly can't think of one person.
Where have you been today?
-Home, Jurong East, home.
What games do you often play?
-Naruto Shippuden on PS2, DJ Max on PSP and boxing on Wii.
Who are you missing right now?
-Can't say 'miss', coz I've never met him before; Lucifer.
If you had to choose between a friend and a lover, who would you choose?
-Depends on the situation.
What are you doing now?
-This quiz.
Which Primary School are you from?
-Lakeside Primary.
Name three colours you like:
-Blue, red, winter green.
What emoticon do you like to show?
What is your life to you?
-It's my life.
If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
-I will wait it out, like I always do. But if someone close to me asks, I will not hesitate in confiding in them.
Who did you last chat with on MSN last night?
Who do you admire most?
Which month were you born in?
How are you feeling right now?
What time is it now?
What kind of person do you think the one who tagged you is?
What colour do you use to dye your hair?
-It's not dyed now. But I dyed it red once.
Why are you doing this test?
-Because I'm bored and I don't want to sleep just yet.
What do you when you're moody?
-Curse and swear and then forget about it by watching the musicals.
At which age do you wish to get married? particular age.
Who is more important to you?
-...can't even think of one person, dammit.
If today is the last day of your life, what will you do?
-Kill people.
Who is the person you trust the most?
-Dirge, Chris.
Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
If you have a dream come true, what would it be?
-I'd know how to speak Japanese, and I'd be in Japan as once of the musical actors, making friends with all the others! Although, that's not possible because they don't have any girls in the musicals anyways.
What is your goal for this year?
-Learn Japanese.
Do you believe in eternal love?
What feeling to you love the most?
-I don't know what adjective to use for it exactly... But it's when I'll be in my freezing room, wearing a sweater, a cup of tea next to me. I'll be in front of the computer, typing away another story and also be listening to some songs from the musicals. And outside, it'd be raining. Heavily.
Do you really think it's Global Warming now?
What feeling do you hate the most?
You like doing quizzes?
-Most of the time, yeah.
Do you believe in God?
-Hey, I believe in Hell at least.
Who cares for you most?
-I'm not sure. Opening this question up to the readers. Not that I think there's anyone reading till this far though. XD
What do you think is the most important thing to you right now?
-My computer.
What will you bring when you fight?
-One-on-one? My wooden katana from Hokkaido and something to shield myself with.
What have you regretted doing recently?
-Not being able to be born in Japan instead.
What would do if nobody cared for you anymore?
-What makes you think there's a lot of people caring for me now, anyways? Not emo-ing, but seriously!!
What if your boyfriend two-timed you?
-Beat him up, seriously.
Posted by B at 11:33 PM
There was drama today but I overslept and didn't go. XD
Heard there might be a drama camp in December. Anyways, today was supposedy my first Japanese lesson. Ryan(Tan) was supposed to come to my house at 1.20. But he came at 1.35 instead. He still had to take lunch. By the time we got there, it was 2.15. And we ran most of the way, mind you.
In the end, they wouldn't let us in because we were late. So, we'll have to go for a make-up lesson tomorrow night with some adults. It's at 7 and ends at 9. Then, my mom got the teacher to change the entire class timing from 2 to 2.30. So Ryan will have more time to prepare coz he still got school.
So, the entire Japanese class has to change this timing because of us. Well, mainly because of Ryan, but never mind. WHY CAN'T HIS PARENTS JUST LET HIM NOT GO TO SCHOOL?! PSLE IS OVER!
Happy 17th Johnny!
Just thought of the New Zealand trip. Really can't wait. ^^
I'm the one who gets the curtain call.
Posted by B at 11:07 PM
Monday, November 3, 2008
An angel fell last night. You know?
"Do you know what's "keeping your anger in check"?"
"Yes, that's why I don't."
Keeping your anger in check is painful. You want to do so much, but you can't.
That's why I lash out everytime I'm angry.
Yeah,, went out for a movie with Xin Yi and Ryan(Tin). Jian Hao was supposed to come, Xin Yi said. But he blew us off in the end.
"The Coffin" is one of the most horrifying movies I've ever watched...Dammit...
Then fooled around a bit at my house. Xin Yi is damn scared of Kino. XD
Ryan and I made her a drink for a dare.
Filled with:
-Dragonfruit juice (which tastes's also known as G3 which I have to take every morning and night)
-Black sauce
-Soya sauce
-Whipped cream
Xin Yi took a sip and couldn't finish the rest. We had to trash it.
Finally got to share with Ryan the halloween treats and we went on a sugar rush.
Posted by B at 9:43 PM
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Blogging from my aunt's laptop.
Was 'dragged' out by dad. Had a headache and wanted to stay home though.
This morning, went out with dad, mom, Ayron and Ryan(Tan) for breakfast. And last night, Ryan and I watchedWWE Raw again. He hasn't been watching for some time either. And I finally saw Shawn Michaels again. He hasn't changed a bit.
John Cena will be coming back soon. And one interesting piece of news... WWE has come further than any other television sitcom. Simpsons, Friends, Desperate Housewives... It will come to their 800th episode next Monday. Congratulations WWE!
Chris Jericho, still an on-screen jerk. I think the fans like he better as a heel then a good guy. Sane goes for Randy Orton.
Anyway, back to this morning, had breakfast, bought some books and DVDs. Came home, watched Room 1408 AGAIN! And then 200 Pounds of Beauty. The last time I watched the latter was after PSLE. One entire year.
Then used the computer for a while and now I'm here. Alright, should get off soon. Shouldn't monopolise my aunt's com. Blog again at home probably! ^^
Posted by B at 6:37 PM