Friday, October 31, 2008
311008 - Halloween
Halloween was a blast.
But I must get something out of my system quick, it's blowing up my insides... It's about one of the last few houses I went to for the treats. At first, we were all tired, ready to go back. All of a sudden, I hear a scream in my ear and then a clown bounces in front of me, doing somersaults and all.
He somersaulted all the way over to a house. It...was...terrifying...
There was this big banner with a clown's face on it. It was like a...cabana. Everyone was screaming inside so Ryan(Tan) and I went to take a look. FREAKING SCARY!
There was a clown standing on this box and because he has on a mask, not paint, it looks so plastic, we thought it was a statue. Suddenly it moves and screams. Freaky...
Inside the cabana itself was this figure of a clown hung in front of a target, bleading. There was a head hanging on a hook too. The lights kept flashing on and off, it was difficult to tell what were real and what weren't. There was a tall guy, face paint, tall hat, giving out sweets.
"Happy hallo-WEEEEEEEN!!"
The 'weeeen' part went real high.
"Welcome to the circus! Muahahaha!"
He said it so freakyly.... HAUNTED CIRCUS!
It is, no doubt, the best halloween house I have ever been to and I most probably won't see another house like that for years. It was really scary! The guy giving out sweets was saying his lines in such an eery manner... brr... and the sound effects...whoa...
Can't get it out of my mind! It was mind-blowing!
I didn't get a picture of it though, cause my camera ran out of battery. But I will post my halloween costume up soon. ^^ Once I get off my lazy ass to actually charge the camera itself...
And of course, I got lots of caaaaandy!! ^^
Posted by B at 10:35 PM
Thursday, October 30, 2008
301008 - Halloween

Ain't she pretty?
Halloween is tomorrow! Can hardly wait! Finally going trick-or-treating again! Ryan(Tin) might be going. Ryan(Tan) is definitely going though.
Candy of all kinds, laughing at the decorations(because they're so ridiculously hilarious) and playing with the pet dogs we happen to pass by! It's at a place called Rose Wood Estate at Woodlands! Whole things starts around 6 or 7?
Haha! I can still see my cousin, Delia, in her pumpkin suit 3 years before!
Yay! Think I'll go scare some people tomorrow during school. Drama tomorrow too!
Posted by B at 4:20 PM
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Auntie's Nancy shop, "Maxis" at Junction 8. She's the one in blue. ^^
Yes, got my hair cut today. Was bored so took photos. ^^

The above picture is with my fringe down completely. Before the hair cut.
Anyways, this was the drawing I was talking about a few posts ago. Terry "Tech" Thurston. Plain, I know. But that's what I like about. XD
Anyways, my hair is still the same as before except thinner and slightly shorter. ^^
Working out some kinks in some stories. Will post a link to my account where you can read them to your heart content.
Posted by B at 9:51 PM
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
281008 - Longest Post Ever
WARNING: This is going to be one of the longest post I've written in months. All about the careers I thought about before and the plans I have for now. *PLEASE NOTE THAT IMPORTANT WORDS HAVE BEEN COLOUREDWatching the musicals over and over again, I must say that with each performance, the director never ceases to
amaze me. Each performance is always better than the previous one. Each one is executed better than the previous one. Each one always makes me laugh and cry more than the previous one.
Dream Live 5th, by far, is the best DreLive I have watched so far. The
venue is fantasic, the way they
plan things is absolutely amazing, the
costumes, wow...the
script...fabulous... The
lighting, the
music... THE
The way they can make the crowd roar for more.
"Encore! Encore!"
genuine excitement and happiness on their faces when performing.
Performer. Entertainer. Singer. Actor.
Whatever you wanna call them, one thing still remains; they are
I began wondering if I would ever be able to experience something like that. The
negative side of me said there was no way. But the
positive side of me told me that if they could do it, why couldn't I?
They had a
passion for acting, enrolled in schools, performed in little skits and then made their way up. Why couldn't I do the same?
Some began as young as fifteen years old. Imagine that,
15-years old, already performing before thousands.
That was literally the expression I had when I found out.
And why is it that he can perform before thousands at that young, tender age? Because he was good at acting and also because they needed a talent like him.
Aoyagi Ruito is an acrobat and 18 this year.
If he can do it, why not I, right? !! ^^ !!
Thinking about it, I have a lot of plans. Ryan(Tin) and I plan to go to
Tokyo to study in the future. For me to do that, I'll have to pull my grades up. But going to
Tokyo to study, means having to be able to speak and understand Japanese. Thus, my decision to learn Japanese. ^^
I love
animals, as you all know. I've always wanted to find a place where I could help out and be close to animals;
animal shelters. Relatives have suggested that I become a vet, I have considered it, but it means me studying medicines for few more years. And, uh... I really don't like studying. GUILTY AS CHARGED!
When I was younger, I wanted to go to
San Antonio Texas to learn wrestling at Shawn Michaels' Wrestling School and then go on to become a professional wrestler. ...
I wanted to be an
author, because at one point of time, I thought my writing was good enough. Thinking about it now, it really isn't. If I do pursue the dream to be a writer, I'll have to brush up on my English.
When I was 9, I had a habit of drawing out
clothes from other designs. I'd usually have about 10 pictures of clothes on my table, then I take out some stuff from each and make one ultimate outfit. I was still a girly girl thinking about
dresses, skirts, heels and all that. XD
I have given up on two of those dreams, realizing they were nothing more than just
flings. Clothes don't really fascinate me that much now...and I haven't watched wrestling in about a little over a year.
I still
animals and want to help at an animal shelter.
I still love
I still love
I will
always have a soft spot for animals. =3 Just maybe not professionally.
I will
always write. But that doesn't mean my writing will be good. XD
I will
always love performing in front of an audience, especially if I can somehow make them laugh. =)
I usually thought that people on stage just looked at performing as their
job. But after joining drama club, actually
being on stage, actually making people
laugh, I can say that there really is a
satisfaction inside. ^^
But I'm
scared, you know? I was planning on enrolling myself in those performing arts school. But I'm afraid I find out later that it was just another
fling... I better look into this a bit more and think...
For some odd reason, I feel like crying right now. Whether it's cause I'm happy or upset, I'm not really sure. HA HA HA
My body is literally shaking right now. From laughter or because I'm keeping back the tears, I'm not sure. XD
Alright, I'll leave with this abstract I found this morning. Seems appropriate to me somehow...
Posted by B at 7:23 PM
281008 - Happy Birthday Jeremy!
I'll be breaking my promise.
I'm not tired anymore.
Drama was...productive to say the least. We were working on our banner for the CCA Orientation. The sec ones went to research on some poems we could act out. We finally found one.
"I Love Orchard Road"
It went on desribing the highlights of Orchard road. Food, lights, shops, coke, yeah, we can act all of those out.
Didn't do much after on.
FINALLY topped up my EZ-Link card...
Nothing to do now.
Oh yeah, if he's even reading, happy birthday to Jeremy! Chiong for your dreams!
A new abstract I found this morning.
Posted by B at 1:17 PM
I...PROMISE you...the moment I get back from school today, I'm going to take a quick shower and plop down onto my bed.
There's CCA today. From 9 to 12.
Anyways, I went to bed at 11. But I was tossing and turning for God knows how long!
I was planning to wake up at 6 to get in some computer time. But I was just too damn tired so I ended up waking up an hour later. So, here I am.
And I'm damn tired, wishing CCA would start at a later time so I could get a few more hours of sleep to make myself decent.
Yawn. Big yawn.
One of my favourite abstracts. The artist said she was inspired when she pricked her finger and a drop of blood fell into her glass of water.
Posted by B at 7:31 AM
Monday, October 27, 2008
271008 - Burning/Tearing

That, ladies and gentlemen, is the result of me burning my chinese papers. Apparently, Ernest and Guan didn't come over today. So I was bored. Then mom told me to clear out my old school stuff, causing me to stumble across my chinese file.
I then found a cardboard box, got permission from my mom and started burning them one by one in the toilet behind. It was fun and I was sorta chuckling subconsciously when I saw all the marks I got. 4/20. 10.5/50.
But then, mom complained that the smoke was too much. Soo...
I was then reduced to tearing the remainig papers apart. Including my mathematics worksheet as well. Look! My chinese workbook is in there!

A piece of chinese newspaper I found inside. I had to write a report about it. BUT NO MORE! HALLELUJAH!

And this is the overall mess of all the papers, useless workbooks all at the bottom. ^^
Today WAS a productive day after all. Can't wait to do it again next year. ^^
Posted by B at 5:03 PM
Ernest and Guan Yuan are coming over today around three. To collect the presents which I conveniently forgot to bring on the last day of school...
Yeah, anyways, was invited out to lunch by Dorothy for Wednesday, but dammit, mom says we might be getting our hair cut on that day.
And don't say, "Belle! Your hair so short still want to cut!"
It's getting long. Auntie Nancy said to see her every 2 months, it's been about 2 and a half months now, yeah. So, maybe getting my hair cut on Wednesday.
So, let's see what's my plans for the week. Monday, Ernest and Guan Yuan.
Tuesday, CCA, Ryan's cat.
Wednesday, hair cut.
Thursday, nothing. (yet.)
Friday, most probably will have CCA again.
Saturday, nothing. (yet.)
Sunday, nothing. (yet.)
Well, anyways, today is two of my characters' birthdays and I have dedicated myself to always write a fanfiction for characters on their birthdays. It's to help my writing, after all.
Posted by B at 11:10 AM
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Ryan(Tin) got a new cat! 7 months old, name is Muffin! How adorable is that?? Might be going over to see it on Tuesday. Ryan says the probability is 60%.
So...that makes it 3 cats and 1 dog...
Lucky dude.
Posted by B at 9:11 PM
Slacked. Boxed Wii for about an hour. Watched Iron Man DVD with mom.
Shao Fen requested to see one of my stories. While looking for a decent one for her to read, I realized I hadn't been writing in some time and most of them need re-writing(again).
Anyways, I'm working on a brand new story. Should be done by tonight.
I think this'll be one of the best for this year.
Posted by B at 7:48 PM
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Happy 300th Post to me!
Can't believe this blog has come so far.
Went for a morning swim with my grandmother and cousins, Delia and Dayna. After that, Ryan(Tan) came over and we watched Death Note two.
The Wii is finally working again.
The kitchen light is on the blink.
An incident tonight has made me realize what type of person I am. This is only from my own point of view, I don't know how you guys view me lar...
Here goes...
I'm a person who doesn't believe in "comforting" and "consoling". I'm a person who believes taking it hard and using it to makes yourself stronger. I won't be the type to say, "ah, it's alright. You did your best, it's not your fault."
I'm a person who'll say, "if you give up now, what about the damn future? It's your choice, you know..."
Yes, I'm a mean person who'll give up on you if you give up on yourself.
I won't say stuff you want to hear like, "don't give up! As long as you don't give up, you can do it!"
I'll say stuff like, "suck it up, you big baby! Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger! You wanna give up? Your choice!"
Now notice, both ways are still saying "don't give up". Just in different ways. Nicely, harshly. I believe in the latter.
Anyways, about to go off to sleep now.
Leaving with a cute picture of only my FAVOURITE team in Prince of Tennis. HYOTEI!
Posted by B at 11:15 PM
Friday, October 24, 2008
Went back to church today for the "Shot to Fame" thing. Potae's band was entering and they got in first place for their category.
Congrats to "The Focus" for winning!
They had praise and worship. Before church though, I went to my grandmother's house for dinner. Yummy! ^^
Then I went with Ryan(Tan). It was really strange. It felt like everyone was looking at me...
Anyways, all the contestants were awesome. Their voices were fabulous!
Dorothy invited me to go. But she was coming late and I couldn't find her cell group so Ryan and I sat with Elyn's cell group instead.
After the entire thing, I got to saw like...ex-ex-cell group members. Joshua, Christina, Pepsi, Sarah, Elyn.
I saw Lokies too! What he's doing there, I don't know. I suppose Carol invited him out. He sat with her cell group though, I suppose.
During the altar call, Elyn was asking, "Not going?"
I shook my head.
She then asked, "what happened?"
"If there's nothing, why did things change?"
Change is the only constant in life, I wanted to tell her. They only said change. They didn't specify for the better or worse. And it'll be from our own point of view anyways. So what might be good for me, might not be good in their eyes.
If I had told her that, it'd start up yet another talk and another talk is what I couldn't afford. My uncle was outside to send me home already.
But...I really do miss friends in church.
And get this straight, I did NOT leave because of the multiplication of our cell group into 3.
If it was because of that, I would have left in December, not April.
I'm what Dirge once called a "bearer of pain". He said that if there were any problems, I wouldn't find a way to solve them. I'd bear them. And soon enough, I'd get used to it and it wouldn't be a problem any more.
He saw that in me. And although I might not act like it, I'm a person who doesn't take risks. I play it safe. Better safe than sorry you know? And since 'safe' isn't so bad and I'm satisified with it, why go for a bigger prey when there's a chance that I'll lose everything?
I'm having mixed feelings about church. I want to go back and yet I don't.
Anyways, gonna go watch Dream Live 5th now. Leaving with an abstract.
I REALLY like this one!
Posted by B at 10:17 PM
Thursday, October 23, 2008
231008 - Happy, angry, happy
My blog entry will go in this order... First, random shit. Second, ranting on my results. Third, my holiday plans. So it'll be...happy, angry, happy.
One of the 'funnest' day I've ever had in secondary school. Kept fooling around, laughing till my stomach hurt and there were tears in my eyes.
We watched Xiao Hai Bu Ben 2 in mothertongue class. Crystel and Min Jei cried. In class. Damn.
Created a new character last night. Spent about half-an-hour working on his image. Damn, he looks good.
Terry "Tech" Thurston.
Love him. I can tell he's going to be one my favourites soon.
Some rude guy just called, asking who I was and all that. That banter continued for about a minute. Accusing me of calling him, using the house phone. Dumbass. It's a house phone. It might not have been me.
So I told him that. Asked who my brothers were. Obviously, because he was speaking chinese and Ayron was having tuition, I said Ayrton first. Then he told me to tell Ayrton to call "Jessie."
Right, wasted a phone call on that guy. Not even an apology.
Whatever. Also, I practically deproved at every single subject, even though I studied like mad. Here's my results.
English Language - 78 - A1
Chinese N(A) - 40 - U
Apparently, the teacher lied to the class about having only two boys fail. If she was trying to save me embarassment, she's idiotic. Having said that, she brought my hopes up high and then they crash and burn.
Mathematics - 59- C5
Science - 56 - C5
Geography - 66 - B3
History - 46 - U
Literature - 63 B4
Design and Technology - 65 - B3
Home Economics - 59 - C5
Visual Arts - 62 - B4
Total: 594/1000
Percentage: 59.4%
Class Position: 11/40
L1B2 Aggregate: 7
Promotion Status: Promoted to S2 Normal (A)
I really hate myself right now.
Goddamit, I studied, alright?! I fucking studied! Never thought this situation was actually possible. A student studies but still does badly.
I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me! I just can't get this fucking stuff!
I deproved!
I used to be in position 9, now I'm 11. I failed only one subject for SA1. Now I failed two.
I got 42 for Chinese before. Now it's 40.
I got 83.8 for English before. Now it's 78.
I got 60 for science before. Now it's 56.
What is wrong with me?! I studied like never before for this damn exam! And yet, exams I hardly studied for in the past, I scored better!
Okay, I've calmed down. I'm calm.
...not to mention the fact that all my lessons in November now take place in the afternoon. Damn it. It seems longer that way sometimes.
This morning, I gave my mom the slip for telling the school if we're going anywhere during the holidays. I wrote in all the details of our New Zealand trip.
And then my mom wrote in Hokkaido.
Apparently, my God-mother really DID strike the lottery and she's bringing me along! From December 26th to January 2nd at night.
I love Hokkaido! Not very well known, but it's the best place to be in Japan! Better than Tokyo!
Tokyo is so business and big city. Hokkaido is calming with beautiful scenery and small shops and cute places to visit. Like the clock tower and such.
This is the first holiday where I'm spending so much time away from my computer.
To sum it up;
I will be having Japanese and Speed-typing classes in November afternoons. I will be going to New Zealand from December 6th to 16th. I will be going to Hokkaido from December 26th to January 2nd where I can show off a bit of my new Japanese.
But I'll be spending so much time away from my baby...AND I WON'T BE ABLE TO SEE KENKEN! NOO!
But still, I'm excited. I might as well spend as much time with my computer now before I'm seperated from it! BABY!
I always liked this abstract. A bit scary if you imagine yourself in the water. You know I have a fear of the ocean or deep waters.
...somehow, all abstracts scare me sometimes.
Posted by B at 3:11 PM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
211008 - Rant
I'm sick. Again.
Asthma attacks and conveniently, my inhaler has run out of medicine... Our family doctor is closed by now and he isn't working tomorrow...
Broncho- something...
Technically, I can't go to school until I get my inhaler which will be on Thursday. But I have to go on Thursday to get my report book anyway.
It's like some damn thing is blocking my throat and I have to take deep breathes just to breath normally...
Damn... WE WERE GOING TO DISCUSS THE BLACK MASQUERADE THING TOMORROW! I HATE MY ASTHMAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by B at 8:04 PM
Both Ryans and Wei Kiat came over today. Watched Hearty Paws. Hmm... Didn't cry. Not even close.
Wei Kiat half pissed me off. Not going to say why.
Played PS2. I'm losing my touch. Enjoying another bottle of that naturally brewed root beer which I will now call Holy Beer.
Love Prince of Tennis.....
Yeah, they're gone. Going to school tomorrow for CCA, unfortunately. Guess my holiday ain't here yet.
This picture always reminded me of snakes and serpents...
Posted by B at 6:14 PM
211008 - Good Holiday
Finally got to watch Death Note 1 and 2. Also, planning to watch a movie called "Hearty Paws". About a dog. Ayrton watched it and cried.
A-Y-R-T-O-N. Ayrton Sim. He cried.
Hohoho... challenge for me... I've never cried at any movie before... Ryan(Tin) says he might come over and watch it. He came over yesterday too.
Is this going to become a daily basis? Because I'm not sure I can take too much.
Anyways, school today but decided to skip it. Yeah, got up at 6.30. Was actually going for a jog with Ryan(Tan) but then he couldn't make it. And then, well...yeah, I got up at 6.30 for no actual reason.
But more time on the computer so...yeah. It's good.
When confirming the time, date and stuff for our Japanese course yesterday, Ryan(Tan) and I also signed up for a speed-typing course.
Now, I can type fast. But my hands aren't in the correct position.
So it's... Every Tuesday and Thursay, 10 - 11.30, Japanese classes.
And every Monday and Wednesday, 10 - 12, Speed-typing classes.
Very productive Holiday, I must say. I'll finish those classes RIGHT before December. A few days later, December 6th, New Zealand. Decemeber 16th, I come back for some good old slacking with my computer and thumbdrives and Kino and KenKen.
Yes, a good holiday indeed.
Posted by B at 9:04 AM
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Emily just mistook Kino for a boy. Lokies tried to sell me his laptop and said KenKen looked like a girl. Just like Ms Bay.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?! He's obviously a guy!!
Ah, does it really matter? Whatever. I love Kino, I love KenKen, I love my computer, love my thumbdrive, nothing else matters.
I'm going for the hike tomorrow after all. I wanted to spend a few more moments with my class before the holidays. I mean, how bad can it be right? Half the class will be gone.
We've been divided into two groups.
Index numbers one to twenty and twenty-one to forty. Mr Hoon is going with the latter group which leaves poor index number 6, me, with...well...just read on.
But honestly, how bad could the hike be, right?
I just have to wake up at the godforsaken hour of 6 in the fricking morning.
Go to school and have people stare cause I have to wear my back brace.
Cower in fear because I'm afraid of heights.
Have the guys annoy me.
Have the sun laugh down at me.
All the while with one Mdm Wang Xiu Fang who is, by the way, my mothertongue teacher and if you haven't guessed, whose guts I absolutely hate and whom I thought I had saw the last of on our last mothertongue lesson.
Nothing to worry about at all!
...maybe I should stay home tomorrow.
Anyways, presenting you with an abstract. This one always gave me chills down my spine. It literall scares me.
Don't know why but it gives me the idea that I'm trapped and I'm trying to escape or something because if I don't, I'll die, I'll just die!
Yes, this abstract scares me but yet, it captivates me...I have a morbid fascination with
Posted by B at 6:30 PM
Kino's lounging on my bed, I'm listening to my favourite songs, my computer and thumbdrives are working with me and it's my favourite weather right now; dark and windy. XD
My Japanese Language classes start on November 4th but I'll miss two lessons because of the New Zealand trip. Guess what? My cousins, Ryan and Lindsay, will be joining me for the lessons too. It's a two month thing.
Every Tuesday, 10am - 12 noon. But that means I'll miss out on some CCA sessions too.
Well, not much to blog about. Ayron's cell group's outside right now. I haven't eaten anything so far. No appetite for no reason. Coke is the only thing I'll take in now.
Haha...Kino seems to be afraid of the lightning. She's crawling under my table now.
KenKen, show your teeth when smiling, it looks better, really. XD
Posted by B at 3:23 PM
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Yes, I deleted the post I made before this... a friend of mine told me it was in fact, ILLEGAL. I didn't know. So, yeah. If you read it already, okay.
School's coming to an end.
I know I should probably be jumping for joy. For some reason, I ain't. There's a sense of regret.
Damn, I hate this.
Turned down going for the sentosa thing today too with Dorothy. My cousin, Dayna, came over.
Blah blah blah
I'm boored...
Don't drink too much, KenKen... Don't know how he could down that thing, it's red wine.
Posted by B at 11:26 AM
Friday, October 17, 2008
171008 - Happy Birthday Dave!
KenKen! Over-reacting with the Wii controls. Look at the concentration on his face! WOW! Although, in this position, he looks like he's singing with the controller in his right hand. Haha!
Posted by B at 9:04 PM
Thursday, October 16, 2008
There's no school tomorrooow!! So, this is my plan...
- Computer
- Kino
- Computer
- Food
- Computer
- Computer
Yes, yes! I'm guilty of loving my computer too much! Lock me away and throw away the keys!
Don't wanna go for the hike on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mom's allowing me to stay home, so I'll only go back on Thursday. ^^
Then holidays are here!
I'd be lying if I say I wouldn't miss 1N2. Because I will, really! A bit.
I'll miss scaring Jodie and playing truth or dare with her. I'll miss going crazy with Shobana. I'll miss -I can't believe I'm saying ths- playing Naruto with Ernest -yes, I'm crazy- and Xu Hao -even crazier-!
And here are my results:
English - A1
Mothertongue - Don't know overall yet.
Art - B3
Science - C6
Mathematics - B4
History - U
Literature - Don't know overall yet.
Music - 11/12, so I take it was an A1
Home Economics - Don't know yet
No way I can promote to Express now.
Anyways, I think I did somewhat okay. Can't believe I failed History though. 46...
Watched "Boys Love" on crunchyroll. it! It's so adorable!! Ah...two hot guys together...Forbidden love, so romantic! But then the uke in the relationship dies. ...His jealous friend kills him. SUCKY ENDING!
Uke means the uh...not dominant one. Yeah, that's right.
Anyways, this is how good KenKen is at darts! ^^ Good, ain't he?
Posted by B at 9:51 PM
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Went back to school today.
After 4 rounds in E.T., my gastric pain got too much to handle and Mr Lim noticed... Phooey... I knew I should've eaten dinner last night...
Went to the toilet to wash my face, he gave me permission to get milo and so I stood at the canteen, watching my friends run with jealousy in their eyes.
I joined them on our last round but soon regretted it.
Vomitted later on...
How can I vomit out anything if there is nothing in my stomach to begin with?
Anyways, did nothing but slack today. So far, I know I got 60 for maths. I passed my chinese, overall. English, not overall, is 72.7. Science, 53. Music, 11/12.
Don't know anything else though...
^^ KenKen with a puppy! It's a toy terrier, I think? He already has two dogs though...
Posted by B at 2:19 PM
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The snake's eyes snapped wide open. The boy sleeping within it's hold had stirred a bit. When the boy relaxed his muscles and the snake was sure he was sleeping, it closed its eyes again.
Had a little debate with Gurmeet.
The time during which I hated my class was good for me. I could really observe people then. But of course, all's good in class now. Somewhat. Haha, things are going okay. ^^
You're as stubborn as I am. Didn't go to school today, but will be going tomorrow.
Went to school to return a book to Afiqah after school let out though.
Ernest, Xu Hao, Martin and Luqman spotted me.
I can read you. Anyway, can't wait for school tomorrow. Shocking, I know. There's ET! WHOO!! I hope my stamina and endurance hasn't dropped yet.
My friends told me I passed Chinese. I hope it's true. I'll find out tomorrow.
help me...Hoping for the best. JIAYOU BELLE! ^^
The things you want must be taken with your hand. Blasting off now folks! ^^
Posted by B at 5:25 PM
Monday, October 13, 2008
131008 - Eagle Eye
When I woke up, remains of the headache was still there. Took panadol, went back to sleep.
When I woke up again, headache was gone. Hallelujah because I actually accepted Ryan's invitation to go out for a movie today.
He already got the tickets, so I didn't have to pay. ^^
It was also a chance for me to show off my new, obviously too big, brown hoodie. It's actually for guys so yeah... But that's why I like it! It's so big, it gives space inside and it's really, really comfy...
Wearing it to New Zealand.
Eagle Eye is a fantastic movie! ^^
Anyway, going back to school tomorrow. ...yay...
In the theatre, people kept messaging me...what great timing...
Dorothy said something about inter-school games...something about Hui Mei being one of the game masters...something about sentosa...something about bringing friends.
Huh...nostalgic much?
Hyotei Cast. ^^
Posted by B at 6:43 PM
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Didn't go to Junction 8 after all.
Watched CSI: New York with mom at 1.
Computer, computer, computer
Went out for dinner with my grandmother who's been discharged.
Not much...
Not going to school tomorrow...
Another darn headache...And NO, it did not come from drinking the root beer...
Everytime I cough, more pain goes to my head...dammit...
Haha...LIVE Kirihara Akaya...worse subject = english...
that's why the book's upside down.
Posted by B at 9:02 PM
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I'm going out with my mom later to buy clothes for the New Zealand trip. Today and tomorrow's shopping day.
It's the only weekend where my mom doesn't have mah jong.
Anyway, I got my thumbdrive now. 8GB. So, I can store my videos inside and still watch them and my computer has more space so I can download MORE videos. ^^
I love my new thumbdrive...
I also realize that I like those guys wearing spectacles in animes.
Ouran High School Host Club: Ootaro Kyouya
Naruto: Yakushi Kabuto (Not my favourite, but I like him.)
Bleach: Ishida (Once again, not my favourite)
PRINCE OF TENNIS!!: Rikkaidai's Yagyuu Hiroshi(second fav from Rikkaidai), Higa Chuu's Kite Eishirou, Hyotei's Oshitari Yuushi(third fav from Hyotei), Seigaku's Inui Sadaharu(third fav from Seigaku) and so on and so forth.
They're COOL nerds...hehe...
Downing another bottle of the naturally-brewed root beer. Love the aftertaste. Bouth four bottles, Jaslin wants one so one is given to her, the other three are mine. Um...okay, other two.
Was just thinking though, I love my computer...
Lindsay(my God-sister) slept over last night, cute adorable lil girl. Turning nine this year.
She recently got into Naruto, and just like all the other fangirls, she loves Sasuke. Or as I call it: Sa-su-gay.
She's onto chapter 57 or so.
I'm sleeping over at her place tonight, most probably. Yeah, so...
I'll be going to Junction 8 tomorrow to get more clothes with my mom. When November comes, I'll be getting my hair cut again. It's getting longer...
Picture: Top half is the second cast of Seigaku. Bottom half is the first and only cast of Hyotei. Shishido Ryou, played by Kamakari Kenta, is the one with the cap. ^^
Backstage shots.
Posted by B at 11:46 AM
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Went out to meet Akif and Wei Kiat at 2pm at Lakeside MRT. Then Wei Kiat called and asked: "Where are you? ... But 4pm what... You mean Akif never tell you? Change to 4pm already!"
Gee, thanks a lot guys.
Anyways, then went over to Akif's void deck which began a strange 1 and a half hours which included wigs, a portable CD player and High School Musical.
When Akif needed to go back up to his house, I saw two cats. One FULLY black cat and another cat 60% black and the remaining 40% white on it's stomach.
The fully black one, which I shall now refer to as 'Unlucky', was a real friendly cat. It took a while, but it finally succumbed to my charms!
While trying to become friends with the black-white one, it's almost scratched me with its razor-like claws!!
I then began mumbling all the profanities in my vocabularly.
After the entire thing, I went home. This Sunday, Akif and Wei Kiat want to do a copy of High School Musical 1 and 2. They want me to play Sharpay...
I look like a freaking guy! Geez! Hoping to get a different 'part' this Sunday...
Going on a shopping spree tomorrow with my mom! NEW THUMBDRIVE HERE I COME! NEW CLOTHES HERE I COME!
Clothes for the New Zealand trip! I'm going to New Zealand in December for TEN days! December 6th to 16th!
Only downside is no computer, no Kino... T-T
But there's horse-riding in New Zealand! I haven't rode a horse since I was 5!
Tour group of course. ^^
KenKen eating...something cuisine. XD
Posted by B at 7:28 PM
But I really do love my computer. When it's working with me. Guess I just gotta treat it nice and it'll do the same for me.
I love you, computer.
Posted by B at 9:49 AM
I just made a fool out of myself last night, didn't I?
At least I know I wasn't drunk. There wasn't a hangover this morning. Must've been the headache or I was just delirious.
Chinese The teacher asked a question but I didn't understand what was ke fu. So I sad: uh...dui be qi lao shi, dan shi, ke fu shi she me? (Sorry teacher, but what is ke fu?)
PAIISEEH!! it's overcome.
Going out with Akif and Wei Kiat later. I'M FREE FROM THE TORTURE KNOWN AS EXAMS!!
Kato Kazuki who played Atobe Keigo.
Isn't he cute?
Posted by B at 9:39 AM
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
hUng out with Akif and Wei Kiat tday at Akif's void deck.
We decided to do a little skit. Wei Kiat was the cameraman...
But we kept messing up so we hsd to keep re-talking and re-taking and re-taking ang re-tKING...
lots of funn.
then Akif went for his singing lessons. s
A;right... had this so called naturakky brewed root beer..I can smekk akcohol but they say ot'a a;cohol-free..
It's in a tiny beer bottle, sorta...
ever since drinking it, i;ev had this strange heafache..
Starting to wonder if there was alcohol in it but the manufactuers liedf about it/
thanjs to the musicals, i've learbed more Japanesr e=words..
or=e wa makeanai! ( i won't ;ose)
shuggo! (reunionj)
Suhnohama ( BEaCh)
ASoko! (there)
Renshuu hajimeru yuo! (let's begin pratifce.)
blah blah blah
head hrts too much to blog about the sentences.
But still, i'm going to drink another bottle.'s strangely nice.. goign tp enjoy htis last bottle as well as i cacn
Anyways , big news but can';t blog about it until thefinal conclision...
Last dya of examinatiojn tomrow... finally the torture is over...
wanted to post pictuers again but computer's not working with me again. but it's resourcefulf...
I love you computer!
oh god.. paanasdol pleese.
Posted by B at 7:21 PM
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I'm doomed... I bombed my Home Ec. Exam... Hey, hey, hey! Before you say stuff like: "It's home ec! How can you bomb it?!"
They asked stuff two type of shellfish or stuff. Which oil is the healthiest? And stupid me...I thought olive oil was something used for the bath or something so I circled COCONUT oil instead. Then my mom told me that it was olive oil and...well, to sum it up, I was banging my head with my Home Ec. book for the next few seconds.
Anyways, tomorrow is art and then oral. At least there's no picture discussion. =)
Took the MRT home with Shobana and we were laughing about shit we don't even know about. Singing the "the lion sleeps tonight" song or whatever. HAHA!
Anyways, I heard another two songs which touched my heart. From the musical again. It was just so...touching, so true and so encouraging.
The first song is a slow song, bringing tears to my eyes. It was during the second cast's graduation and it brought a feeling of appreciating your final result after all the hard work.
Working hard, bringing sweat that turns into beautiful crystals.
The second song is a very...enthusiastic song. The way I decipher it, it brought to me a feeling to never give up. I know, I know. You all heard the "never give up" thing many times before.
But the words of the songs joined together with the tune, it's just beautiful.
"A hard-working effort will turn into sweat and that sweat is called crystal."
On My Way
"Fighting on is the proof of living."
Yeah, this is the phrase under "Words of the Day", it's just so meaningful to me...
I love whoever wrote these songs...
Kamakari Kenta who played as Shishido Ryou in the musicals.
Posted by B at 11:29 AM
Sunday, October 5, 2008
I'm crying and I love it.
I'm on my way. =)
Posted by B at 10:59 PM
051009 - Stampede
WAS going to put another picture. But then the darn computer got in my way again.
Anyway, today, Mom got me to wear a fricking skirt to go to a fricking fuction party. Buffet.
Weird people, but they know how to eat.
A fricking skirt.
I almost cried.
It was like seeing a guy in a skirt when I looked in the mirror. IT WAS HORRIBLE!
There was an arcade though.
Played air hockey, my favourite. ^^
Maths paper tomoroow, as I have mentioned previously.
Four more days...Four more days...Four more fucking days and I'm free...
I'd be lying if I said I said I'm not scared. I am. Terrified even.
Not because of the exam.
Just scared in general. I have no idea why.
Maybe it's because I know one day I'll die. We all do.
I might go to hell.
That's the scary part.
Maybe I'm scared because I know I might never amount to anything. And I just need someone to tell me I will and mean it.
Maybe I'm scared because I know that it's easy to say "I love you" but it's not easy to mean it.
Maybe I'm scared because I think I'm slowly losing myself to something I don't even know.
Maybe I'm scared because...
I'm just scared. That, I know for sure.
It's so real this time. It's just revealed itself from the haze and fog, coming into focus.
And I see it, I hear it and I feel it. Boy, do I feel it.
It's all coming at me at once. It's like a stampede. I'm caught in the middle. Each time I'm knocked down, I get back up and face the rush again. But I'm knocked down again and again and again and again and again.
But I'm getting up each and every time.
I don't know if I can keep getting up until the stampede's over.
Now I finally know what I'm afraid of.
I'm afraid of not being able to make it. I'm afraid one day, I try to get up, but I can't. And I've lost the battle. And I'm dead.
I'm not letting that happen. I can't let that happen.
Posted by B at 9:22 PM
Math Paper 2 tomorrow.
I'll pass. Maybe not by much, but I'll pass. Then I won't have to retain.
At least, that's what I've been telling myself.
Anyways, exams are over this Thursday. I can hardly wait! From then on, it's slack, slack, slack.
Still love PoT. It's the best anime EVER!! Well, next to Naruto at least! ^^
Going to watch the musicals now. And enjoy my dinner. Will blog more later about me being in a freakin SKIRT today.
I was bribed...
Posted by B at 7:04 PM
Big surprise;
My computer ain't working with me again. Seriously, I need to up my Hard Disk C's GB. Because everytime it's full(with PoT videos), the entire computer stops fuctioning properly.
I swear, next year, I'm going to make sure the fucking Hard Disk C is more than 2GB, maybe 4GB or 8GB...
Urgh...please let time zoom that when I wake up tomorrow, my mom tells me we're ready to move to Centris...
Posted by B at 10:23 AM
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Petenshi. Yays.
I'm bored.
What are Electrons?
I wonder how wigs feel like...
Anyways, I've been listening to songs from the NEW musicals. LOVE THEM ^^
I just found out that the voice actor for Atobe Keigo from Prince of Tenis is the same person for Grimmjow Jaggerjack from Bleach. Maybe that's what made them my favourites, their voices. ^^
Nothing much to do. Mom says she might be getting a new car. The Lexus has reached my mom's limit of five years.
Oh wells.
Can't wait for the holidays. It's just a few weeks away. October 25th is the first day of freedom.
October 25th
October 25th
October 25th
October 25th, I love you. ^^
Posted by B at 7:35 PM
Friday, October 3, 2008
Why is it that people persist in doing certain things even when they know it'll hurt?
E.g., a person who maybe...sprained his ankle! But wants to continue playing sports cause it's fun. Stubborn.
Or maybe a person who know thinking about a certain other is going to hurt but they think about them anyways.
Or maybe hearing something you know will hurt you, but insisting on hearing it again and again and again.
How we humans can get joy from the most painful things, I'll never understand.
We all go through it, but yet, none of us seem to
understand it.
Anyway, during exam midst, you really seem to forgot just what day it is. I actually forgot today was Friday until somebody told me there wasn't school tomorrow.
I finally get to relax for a day or two. Today's exam was fine, by the way. There were some questions I was very confident about in answering. Some, I didn't really know what the hell they were talking about. Over fifty, I think I can get thirty and above.
Took MRT home today instead of bus and met with 1E2's jerks. Namely, (according to they're annoyance level) Carson, Yew Leng and Daryl.
Apparently, I'm going to be living near some of them next year seeing as I'm moving to Centris. Goddamit.
Ryan still owes me my electronic dictionary. Said it could bring his Mothertongue grade from a C6 to a B4. He really owes me big time. >=D
I'm in debt to all the animes I watch. ^^
Naruto, Bleach, Prince of Tennis, Wolf's Rain, Ouran High School Host Club(yes, even a host club), Fruits Basket, etc etc
You realize that these animes tend to bring out th best in you. Concepts such as "don't give up" or "just press forward" usually come up.
I love anime...always have, always will.
And I
must be becoming sensitive! DAMMIT! Several times now, I find myself tearing up at song lyrics or...stuff!
Okay...that's over with. No...wait...
Okay, now it's really over with. ^^
Posted by B at 7:32 PM
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Visited my grandmother in the hospital just now. She seems fine, though. Still smiling as always. =)
She complained of having breathing problems and may have to go for surgery. I'm hoping for the best.
I've studied for Physics tomorrow. No matter how difficult it is, though.
Finally managed to pass Fong his birthday present. Emphasis on Finally.
Anyways, tomorrow is the exam, of course. Wish me luck.
Anyways, pictures of Prince of Tennis. First one is of Rikkaidai. The third one from the left is Kirihara. And the first one from the right is also a new favourite of mine. Mainly because, he's a trickter. ^^

Atobe is the main one in the pic, the one with the brown scarf. Told you he was a narcissist. XD
Posted by B at 9:34 PM