Saturday, May 31, 2008
I think I'm on the verge of getting sick again. I knew I shouldn't have participated this morning! Played captain's ball at the sports challenge. After that, don't know why, I could walk, but everything was dizzy. Whenever I took one step, it felt like I was walking on a cloud. So my mom took me home where I took a shower and then rested. I woke up an hour later and got to work on Hurotsuki. ^^Nothing much today.
Posted by B at 8:37 PM
Thursday, May 29, 2008
290508 - 1N2, what happened?
How much longer is this going to carry on, guys? How much longer? Do you guys really not see the self-contradictions here?! Yes, it was immatured of her to do that. But so are you. Today, one of the 1N2 girls bullied the most unpopular girl in our class. It was hurtful, I know. So this girl in our class, changed her blog URL to hate-(the bully's name).blogspot.com1N2ians, if you're reading, you know what I'm referring to. This girl wrote all the vulgarities, you know. Scolding this one bully. Soon, some of our classmates found out about it and started scolding this girl back with more vulgarities. For insulting this 'bully'. They said this girl was immatured and childish, a coward. And I must say, I do agree. But I also believe that we need not go to the extent where everyone is going against her. Also slashing her dreams. This girl was venting out anger. But I have to say this, yes, she is being, in their words, a coward. In class, she's quiet and all but when she gets to her blog, a new side of her appears. And I can only say she is being afraid. Hiding behind a blog. Those classmates of mine who scolded her back, yeah, I know you guys will be thinking: "Belle, whose side are you on?" but I just have to say this. You guys are being immatured and childish also. Do you not see what is happening?! You scolding her back with soooo many tags is a waste of your valuable time. If this girl is all you say she is, why do you even bother wasting your time on her? I know that sounds a bit harsh, but it's the only way I can make my point!This girl is being childish, for hiding like a little child instead of coming right out and saying it. Do not hate or insult someone you fear. My classmates who scolded her back, they are also childish and immatured. And yes, I also tagged on her blog. Saying most of these things to her. But in a way that I do not offend her or my classmates. I... hate it when this happens. When all the 1N2ians change and start using vulgarities, shooting back at people, they become unfriendly, cold and harsh. Guys, grow up. Okay? It's not worth your time repeating things people have said before. Or do you just use vulgarities just to show how 'cool' you are or that you have a 'heck care' attitude?Please guys, just stop it. I'm getting bored, reading the same things over and over again. If you guys are really reading this, you might come to hate me for writing all this. But honestly, I don't really care anymore.I don't need fakers for friends. I need friends who are themselves.
Posted by B at 11:47 PM
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Drama was good although 3/4 of the drama club members were late. And 2/3 of the drama club members did not turn up. Excluding the sec two's coz of their camp. And there was a mistake in my english marks. So tomorrow, Ms Rina will correct the mistake. Oh, please say that my SA1 marks go UP instead of DOWN. Anyways... Just finished watching Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End (Part three) for the fourth time!! ^^ Love Barbosa, Jack Sparrow and Davy Jones. ^^Here's the pirate song to call upon the brethren court!Heave Ho...Haul together...Hoist the colours high...Heave Ho...Thieves and beggars...Never shall we die...YEAH! Anyways, Lokies came over. Unbeknownst to me. No wonder I could hear Ayron talking in his room. I thought he was out of his mind (as usual) but more than usual, talking to himself. Then my mom said Lokies came over. Ah, so.Alright, gonna just go... listen to music. MUSIC IS MY LIFE! ^^
Posted by B at 4:53 PM
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Well, shit, I got school tomorrow. Damn. Reach there by 9 for drama. Drama ends at 12. CRAPPITY CRAP CRAP CRAP!! IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE MY HOLIDAY DAMMIT!Whatever, if I finish early, leave early. Good and simple. Thursday, after school at 3 coz of some stupid enrichment, some of the 1N2ians and I are going ice-skating, watch movie then just hang around and slack! ^^ FINALLY! Going out with classmates during the holidays. This has never happened before. Oh wells... I haven't ice-skated in a while, don't know if I still can or not. If not, I'll just watch them I suppose. ^^Anyways, I didn't do nothing today. In front of the computer again. Abd FINALLY, I played DJ Max again after what, five, six days? ^^Church camp... Heh... Not going this year. Partly because Ayron's gotta return to school during this period of time so if he can't go, neither can I. And partly also because I'm not really in an enthusiastic mood recently and camp is just gonna seem like a drag. I don't know why but since the holidays started, I'm less enthusiastic about stuff. I've lost my enthu-ness and I hate that! Voted most enthu is class should remain most enthu! Spark should come back tomorrow! YEEHA!Anyways, I'm missing my classmates terribly. I miss hearing Shobana, Ernest, Guan Yuan. I miss talking with Jia Lin. As she puts her name on my tagboard, she's glued to me...I miss... going to service also. SERVICE. For some reason, I'm not so hyped up about cell group meetings... I prefer services now and I don't know why. Heh, most probably because I can see all the ex-cell group members too! ^^But anyways, I'm just gonna go take my shower now. My rashes are itching like mad!
Posted by B at 7:49 PM
Monday, May 26, 2008
Alright, I'm too tired to do anything now... I'm just gonna summarise it as much as I can...I did nothing but use the computer today. Nothing interesting. And Lokies showed me his new hamster. ^^ Yup, that's all I did. Nighty nights! ^^And Happy Birthday to my MOMMYY!!! ^^
Posted by B at 10:20 PM
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Today was fuuuuunnn!! Started off by going to West Mall to slack for a while with mum, dad, bro and future-sister in law, Jaslin! Learned a bit of manga drawing from Ayrton! ^^ Then went to watch Indiana Jones! Two words. AWE-SOME. It was fantastic, the story-line, the stunts, fantastic! Then we went to an arcade!! YEEHA! Then later we went to some Japanese restaurant at Super Bowl, Taman Jurong. ^^ We got a mini room and had laughs and just chat man! It was awesome! Ayrton and I kept imitating Davy Jones from the Pirates of the Carribean show. ^^"I bet you 10 years!!""I'll raise ya to 12!""Do you fear death?""You are neither dead nor dying! What is your purpose here?!"The words are nothing, it's the accent and pronounciation! ^^Took a few photos man. Then I suddenly remembered something... I WANTED TO TAKE PHOTOS OF THE FOOD! But by the time I remembered, everything was gone. The sake, the sashimi, the salmon, everything. So I just settled for the remains. ^^ Will be posting the photos soon. No worries! ^^Got nothing planned tomorrow. HOOOLLLLIIIIIIDAAAAAAYYYYYSSS!! ^^
Posted by B at 7:59 PM
250508 - Nothing to Report
Hey guys. Woke up at 7:40 today. WAS getting ready to go to cell group meeting today but my mom said she wanted me to go out with her ealier to celebrate her birthday. Yeah... So, okay. Um... Not much to report except I'm starting a new story, Hurotsuki. Yeah. Um... Yup, nothing much to say. So, gonna end this one with this picture. ^^
Posted by B at 8:44 AM
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Today, I went to church. Jodie blew me off again and never showed up...It was a powerful message indeed. About life...L eaving to cleaveI ntamacy with the LordF aith in GodE xample through BrokenessYou know, we go through so many trials and tests, we become broken so that others can live. It's impactful...Bottom line is that life comes out from death. Anyways, there was a prayer meeting after service but I had to go home. I was "meeting" a friend. Over MSN. Haven't spoken to him in a while, so... Yeah. Right now, I'm talking to him and blogging at the same time! ^^And Luke/Guo Yang said I looked like a tomato with my new hairstyle!! T-T Joshua said... something. And the other comments were pretty general. "Oh! You cut your hair!"Obviously."Looks better, you know!"Celebrated Carol's birthday today too! ^^
Anyways, so I went home and that's where I am now. I must say, it was great to see all the ex cell group members again! Joshua, Luke, Willie, Sarah, Bertram, Hau En, Elyn. Yeah, it was great to see them again! ^^I don't know why, but this seems appropiate. A W331 and W363 photo. On the last service of the year and our last service as one whole cell group before multiplying. ^^
Posted by B at 7:09 PM
Friday, May 23, 2008
230508 - Goodbye Ms Bay.
I can't explain what I felt today... Before I go any further, here is my final results:English - A1 (Expected)Chinese - U (Also Expected)Mathematics - C5Science - C5Geography - B3Literature - B3D&T - B4Visual Arts (No idea what this is) - A1Not bad, eh? Failed one subject though but the rest is pretty good. My position in class is 12. My favourite number! ^^Here is my remarks too: Belle is a cheerful and well-behaved student who expresses herself clearly. She speaks well and confidently. She is currently doing very well in the Drama Club where she had put up several good performances during assemblies. And my conduct is Excellent. Anyways, as I was saying, I can't explain what I felt today. As we were running around, slamming cake onto each other. Mr Chia came back too. ^^ Mr See, Mr Chia and Ms Bay joined us in the party after school. There was yummy cake! We had 2 slices left so we used that as our smash cake. Mr See and Mr Chia got away first but we trapped Ms Bay and rubbed the cake onto her face. ^^She then whammed me with cake. Haha! ^^ Which I then rubbed off on Ernest. Ernest, wanting to get revenge, used some remaining cake and whammed the ENTIRE thing onto my shoulder. Good thing that was my Exercise Time shirt. So I later changed into my uniform. Before I did, we ran around the entire second floor and whammed each other with cake. HAHA! We got Mr See later too! ^^Mr Chia got away though...Today was a very special day indeed... I know Ms Bay was emoing today. She once wrote on her blog that she wore entirely black and painted her nails blood red. It was the least noticeable way to be emo. Today, she wore entirely black again. But I really don't know what I felt today. I felt like I had this limited time, which I actually do, and after that, I'd never see these teachers again. And I know that's not true and yet, I still felt that way. Ms Bay has impacted me a lot, mostly from her blog. But the thing is, I have never been this attached to a teacher before. Never.I always said that there was this barrier between teacher and student and there was no way I could ever talk to them as friends. But apparently, I was proven wrong with Ms Bay. ^^ She was a great teacher, mentor and friend. Anyways, I'm sure everyone's gonna miss her. Today, after the cake fight, some 1N2ians went to watch a movie. I SO WANTED TO GO. But... Drama Club... Damn! They kept telling me to skip it... But, nah...Anyways, main point of this blog was to just tell everyone what a great teacher and friend Ms Bay is. Buh-bye Ms Bay!! We'll miss you! We love you!
Posted by B at 7:23 PM
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I can hardly believe Ms Bay is leaving this Friday and that when we return after the holidays, she will no longer be our teacher. I MISS HER ALREADY!Today, she called us out one by one and gave comments. She said I topped the class, was a great student and english rep. Then she gave me three chocolates. ^^ I hope she likes the present I gave her last week...Also, I just finished preparing a gift as a blessing to someone in my class tomorrow. I think my class will be going ice skating while I'll be stuck in school at Drama Club. It's not so bad. Most probably will see the Sec 4s again!Today was totally random but oh so randomly fun! Mr Wong (D&T Teacher) complimented my short hair too! ^^We did the silliest, randomest things. Including watching Ernest and Irving 'spar' in class. It was so close that I almost got hit! But they're alright of course. They never cross the line. ^^Well... Tomorrow's our last day with Ms Bay and I can hardly believe it's already here. I'll be losing more than just a great teacher but also a great friend. WAAAH!! T-T Today, Pastor wanted to meet us but Mom's keeping me home because tomorrow's a school day. T-T Ayron left a few minutes ago. Also, Ayrton said that Bling, Shereen and Jeremy should be coming over again this week. YAY! But it's not confirmed. WAH!I also just finished preparing a gift as a blessing for someone tomorrow! ^^ Oh and Jodie will be going to church with me tomorrow. ^^
Posted by B at 4:17 PM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Was tagged by both Yuan Qi and Min Jei to do this... So, here we go. Q: What age do you wish to get married?A:23 and above. My mom was 23 when she got married too. Q: What do you want most now?A: My damn markers back. (Read previous entry)Q:What do you want to be in your next life? (If there is any)A: A guyQ: How long is your longest friendship?A: Two friendships with two fantastic guys which started at my age 11 until now.Q: If you have one wish, what would it be?A: To have ALL my wishes come true. Q: What are you afraid to lose now?A: My sanity in this hectic worldQ: Do you believe in eternal love?A: 75% of the time, yes. Q: If you meet someone you love, will you confess it to him/her?A: Depends on the situationQ: How would you spend $200?A: Buy more writing materials. Markers, notebooks, etc. Q: What is the one quality your significant other must have?A: Playful, but knows when to be seriousQ: Which type of people do you hate most?A: Fakers. People who pretend to be something they're not. Q: Do you cherish every one of your friendships?A: 90% of themQ: Do you believe in God?A: YesQ: What do you think is most important in life?A: Living itQ: Do you think it is a need to have a boyfriend?A: Hell no. Q: What do you want your friends to be like?A: ThemselvesQ: What are your hobbies?A: Jigsaw puzzles, slacking, writing stories.Q: If you are feeling low one day, who would you go to?A: Dirge all the way. Q: How would you spend your last day on Earth?A: Praying I can live a bit longerOkay... I was supposed to tag 8 people to do this. But I'm not going to. Because the last time I tagged somebody to do a quiz, they all wrote: For Belle's SakeRight. So, I'm just gonna tag whoever wants to do it. I don't see it as just a quiz but a way for people to know me better too, yeah.
Posted by B at 2:40 PM
Some little bitch at school stole my freaking markers. Without it, I cannot do my art properly. Furthermore, I can't do freaking birthday cards for my classmates and for cell group! What the hell?! I need those markers!Grr... Whatever. I'm just gonna go back to school tomorrow and interogate anyone who could've possibly stolen my markers. DAMMIT!School was great though. We start off with science where we could do whatever we want and then we had Exercise Time and then recess and then 4 periods of english which we spent at the library, watching Sky High. ^^It was an enjoyable time with my class!! We all laughed together as a class and it makes me proud to be part of 1N2, even though there are SOME people (read first paragraph) who just like to piss me off. Anyways, we proceeded to just do aboslutely nothing. And well, that's that. OH AND... Guan Yuan blessed me yesterday. It was during recess when he gave me a card a small little present! He said it was a cell group thing and he chose to bless me. Inside the card, there was a verse and all... Glad to be his friend. ^^But all in all, today was really fun, despite losing my markers which, by the way, in total cost around $100. And those markers which I absolutely love with all of my heart. Dammit, that little bitch better return it tomorrow or else he/she is dead. DEAD.
Posted by B at 2:12 PM
Monday, May 19, 2008
Went to the poolside just now to hang out with Ayrton and his friends. ^^ Played UNO, ate snacks, t'was awesome. But... -Sigh- Tomorrow gotta stay back after school for drama. NOO!! I JUST WANNA GO HOME! Anyways, holidays are coming soon yeah! ^^ Report book comes back this Friday. Can't wait!! Didn't really do much today. Just slack. Nothing pregressive or whatnot. I finished up three stories today in the early morning. It was easy. Just give it an ending and that was it. ^^Drifting. Just drifting. Driftinng back to unity and belonging. =)
Posted by B at 6:35 PM
Yesterday was really fun! Starting from the morning, I played computer. Then the PSP and then UNO with Ayrton and his friends. Bling, Jaslin, Jeremy and Shereen(sp?). Was so freakin' fun!! It felt cool to hang around Ayrton's friends again. Lokies, Sap and Shyang Zhi came over too. They played Halo/Halo 2/Halo 3/Fatal Frame. Um... What else did we do? Oh yeah, watched Ayrton and Jaslin play House of the Dead III. ^^Played Magic Tricks with Jeremy ad Jaslin. I taught them the trick and then Jeremy, my 'student' did the trick to Bling and Shereen. ^^Watched Ayrton do another tattoo. It was awesome! Unbeknownst to us, it was already 11:55PM... Yeah, then we just hung outside in the living room. On the mattresses and sofas. They'd be sleeping outside. Then around 1+ or so, Ayron, Lokies, Sap and Shyang Zhi emerged from their room. They were going outside to pray and I was going to sleep. And let's just say, Ayron was really pissing me off yesterday. Even when he didn't do anything to anyone else, already Jaslin and Jeremy didn't really like him. Yeah, well, I tried to sleep later on. But then I got a wee bit hungry so I went outside again to get some bread and that's when Jaslin convinced us to play UNO again. I was the first to win! YAY!! Around 3 or so, I finally went back into my room to SLEEP. Woke up about 9:30? yeah, 6 and a half hours of sleep! WHOO! ^^But yeah, yesterday was definitely fun. ^^ Jeremy just woke up. I hear some talking from outside... Gonna go check on 'em.
Posted by B at 9:31 AM
Friday, May 16, 2008
The new haircut is awesome. Lots of people said I looked good! ^^ Thanks to all who said I looked great/cute/good/made for short hair yesterday! You guys really encouraged me! Drama was really fun yesterday! We played games and were supposed to do stocktaking for SYF next year but unfortunately, some plans went wrong and all and we had to postpone it. Yesterday, all we did was go through our exam papers yeah. Booooring... Jodie was supposed to come with me to church today. But then she said she had an eye check up at 4. Great... Now we really got no friends coming.
Ayrton's friends came over last night. One of them, a girl, got a tattoo! It's been a while since I've seen my brother at work. PLUS, because the air-con in Ayrton's room broke down, they had to do it in my room. And then we all watched "Apocolypto" or something along the lines of that. Cool movie. Mel Gibson directed it! ^^
Then Ayrton and his friends went over to Jaslin's house to help her pack because she's moving house and when I woke up this morning, they were alllllll outside, sleeping. They still are. I was woke up to the sound of Ayrton's handphone ringing at 6:40AM!!
So now, I'm awake and preparing what I should wear later when I go to church. To debut my new short hair! ^^
Cutting my hair really wasn't such a bad idea. I really shouldn't have listened to SOME people and start worrying about it. XD
Going to see if Ms Bay has updated her blog now.
This is a photo of the Breakaway! Youth Camp last year! Can you see me? I don't think so. I was hiding on purpose! ^^

Posted by B at 8:36 PM
Thursday, May 15, 2008
C5 for Maths. Great. Bloody great. I STUDIED! Okay?! What the hell?! For once in my life, I actually STUDIED for an exam! And I can prove it! Whew... Got that little nasty thing out of the way... Moving on...Shobana was absent today but I hardly noticed it. This just goes to show how much I'm used to not being with her anymore. Hung out mostly with Jia Lin today.Yeah. Anyways, things with Guan Yuan, Yuan Qi and some others are much better now. We're talking with each other without the intensity anymore. It's... good. Anyways, yours truly wil be going for some enrichment courses. It's a must. I have to choose five courses and so far my choices are, French Language Basics, Japanese Language Basics 1 & 2 and Korean Language Basics. I got one more choice. MOST PROBABLY choosing Managa drawing basics yeah. Um, anyways. I don't have much to blog about except that I'm told drama will be starting tomorrow again. Haha
Posted by B at 3:00 PM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Came out of a prayer meeting a few minutes ago. Just me, Ayron, Lokies and Carol. Yeah, Carol played guitar. =)And I'm telling you, I'm so freaking frustrated right now. I spent the entire morning giving out flyers. Haha... For the Wii Competition and even the guys said no. Wuss...Anyways, I found out today I got a C5 for Geography. Oh, I am so dead. F9 for chinese. A1 for English and for science, I only know I got 14/30 for section B. Oh, I am so dead. CIP today was, okay, succesful. All of us collected quite a number of newspaper thanks to all the generous people. My feet are sore and aching from walking and my arms feel like jelly. You know, whatever. I... don't know. Things in class are so different now. And I can blog this safely, knowing that no one from my class actually READS my blog. So, yeah. Recently, I haven't been able to talk to anyone, you know? I've drifted away from some people like Guan Yuan or Min Jei. I hardly talk to them anymore. It's so awkward with them now and I don't know why. There's this... tension when I'm with them. And today, Shobana. It was as if she was miffed about something and she was taking it out on me. There was also this tension between us. It's sad because I'm back to square one again. Where I'd just sit alone and just stay glued to my drawings and writings. What is going on? I feel as if I'm drifting away from everybody recently. Everybody. Classmates, church mates, everyone. Exactly what is going on? From one moment, I actually thought, for once, my life was perfect. I was on good terms with everyone and... You know? And then now, this. I can't talk to anyone anymore. Putting those minor details aside, I'm going for a haircut tomorrow. Just the usual thinning and layering yeah. I need to go to sleep. See y'all tomorrow on my blog yeah!! =)
Posted by B at 8:20 PM
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Alright, spent the entire day playing DJ Max!! ^^ Whoo! ALRIGHT! Anyways, tomorrow I gotta go back to school... Darn... But it'll be good to see my classmates again man. Tomorrow's gonna be a long day. Got CIP again. Until 5:30PM... ARGH! FIVE FRICKING THIRTY! Anyways, not much to blog about yeah... Just gonna end this one right here.
Posted by B at 5:54 PM
Monday, May 12, 2008
Heeeeey guys! Spent the entire day with Jaslin today! Yeah, she and Ayrton slept in my room last night because their air-con broke down. XDSo yeah. We watched movies as we waited for Ayrton to quickly come back with out beloved DJ Max! ^^ Yeah, today, the internet was on the blink again. Finally got fixed in the evening. Fong and Abhishek made a surprise visit. Wow. Okay. Annoying as always. Fong is. And then Ayrton finally came back and we played DJ Max!! Anyways, I'm gonna take this time to blog about the one type of people I hate the most. Fakers. They pretend to be something they are not. I got a few examples but of course, I'm not gonna name them. That'd be rude. But yes, it's sad. They talk big but they do nothing. They talk the talk but they don't walk the walk. Sad... Okays, this is just a quick blog. And can you believe it?! LOKIES CALLED ME A RAGING BULL!! I AM NOT! I'm a feisty tigress! ^^
Posted by B at 9:02 PM
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Alright, I went back for Cell Group today! Oh man... So good to see Joey and Joel again! I haven't seen them in like, almost a month! And Dorothy also! And Jousi, Potae, Schumann, Sap and Hui Mei! ^^It was a great cell group meeting. The title of today's message was: Moving in the spirit. Awesome. Anyways, I also played DJ Max on Joey's PSP today. KYAA!! LOVE THAT GAME!! After cell group, I went home to find Ayrton and Jaslin ALREADY in my room doing the walls. Awesome... Love the both of them man...And I helped out a bit today too! ^^ Leaving in about 10 minutes to go over to my grandma's for mother's day with all the mothers. They've just started on the fourth wall which is right in front of me right now. ...Alright, gonna get my dad so we can leave now. I'll end this one here with a photo peeps! ^^
Posted by B at 3:29 PM
Friday, May 9, 2008
090508 - Random
HALLELUJAH! Exams are finally over... This period of time was grueling... But it's finally over!! And CIP today was kinda easy. Just go door-to-door and inform the residents that next week, we're collecting newspapers. A lot of people weren't home. Only two out of ten homes, people were there. Art, of course, went off without a hitch. It was just perfect man. I don't think I did too well in the last few panels though...Anyways, the topic I chose for art was emotions. So, my mind map went like this: Alone, lost and tempted, falling into sin and anger, hurt and sad, rescued, trust, love, happiness. My 'comic' was based on this girl. Alone. In the picture, this snake comes up to her with a knife. She took it and started cutting herself and all... Then she finally broke down from her anger and all her sadness started sinking in.The snake is just by the side, grinning sadistically. This guy comes into the picture, takes the knife away and uses it to stab the snake. ^^Snake dies, he turns to the girl and tries to become friends with her and he gains her trust. Finally, the girl realizes that this guy really cares for her as a friend and she can feel the love he has for her. They become best friends. And of course, because she now has a friend, she's happy.Yeah, this girl is perfect example of someone receiving salvation... Hope it gets a good mark.
Posted by B at 4:27 PM
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Finally, math is over. There were lots of questions on Geometry. And geometry is my strength! WHOO!
Anyways, today, cell group went to help Sara move her stuff and to visit Yun Ru to celebrate her birthday. And although Ayron went, mom kept me home because she said this is my "first year as a sec 1" so even though tomorrow's exam is art, she wanted me to stay home and 'focus'.
Yeah... So stayed home and watched Dead Silence with Jaslin and Ayrton. Not really 'focusing' if you ask me. It was a wonderfully scary movie and I recommend it to everyone. It's about Mary Shaw. Look her up at wikipedia. There's this poem about her.
Beware the stare of Mary Shaw
She has no children, only dolls
And should you see her in your dreams
Be sure to never, ever scream
Because whenever somebody in the movie screamed, Mary Shaw would rip out their tongue and their voice would be hers. She had 101 puppets and she was a ventriloquist. She was out to kill the Ashen family. It was horrible...
And also, in a way, I did 'study' for tomorrow's exam. I was reading on my past stories and I decided, you know, to draw a scene from each story. It was so cool... I did sketches and really, it was good practice.
Tomorrow is CIP. Damn... 12:30 then we are dismissed. Damn...
Anyways, I think I MIGHT be getting sick again. Hee... I've been sneezing a lot today. Can't get through 10 minutes without sneezing... Somebody must be thinking bad thoughts about me... Hmm...
Alright, I gotta get back to work to practicing for the art exam tomorrow.
Here's a photo of Lokies, Cheryl, Sara and myself at Toys R Us ^^ Names added in by moi.

Posted by B at 8:20 PM
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
070508 - Call Upon, Crossing Over
Ayrton and Jaslin just finished drawing on one wall. They did a fabulous job! Be sure to come over and see it, yeah! My room is going to be their work shop for the next few days or so.
Maths went okay today. Was done in about 45 minutes. Spent a while checking then day-dreaming. Alright, two more papers and I'm home-free! ^^
Anyways, on the bus ride back today, I was listening to my MP3 and these two songs are quite old. They're from my church and these two songs really impact me a lot. One praise, one worship. The praise song is called "Call Upon." It was the first song I heard when I came to church.
And the other, worship, is "Crossing Over."
From Call Upon, really, it's the interlude which moves me to tears. I teared a little on the bus, I was just so fricking touched, seriously. You will notice that the lines which mean a lot to me are bold and italisced (sp?).
Verse 1:
Hold the Name of the Lord close to our lips
With the word of God on our fingertips
We will go throughout the Nations and His true love we'll proclaim
Rivers of joy within we can't contain.
Spread the good news of the gospel to the world
Show them a better future lives within His hands
As we step into His presence
As we reach out for His heart
Our walk of faith has just begun to start
Every tribe, every tongue
Every nation, everyone
Call upon the Name of Jesus and be saved
Far out places, different faces
Tongues we may not understand
Call upon the Name of Jesus and be saved
We're calling out Jesus
We're reaching out
Shine a light through the land
We're calling out Jesus
Bring salvation to the world
By the blood of the lamb
Okay, that was Call Upon. It's a really energetic and hyper song and I just really love it. Here is Crossing Over
Verse 1:
We come before Your throne
Our hearts we give to You
We long to see Your Kingdom come
And bring Your truth to all the Earth
Nations will cry out Your name
Send us to Your harvest, Lord we pray
By Your spirit, O Lord
We claim the nations
Of the world for You, Jesus
Pour down Your rain
Holy Spirit, move in us today
By Your spirit, O Lord
We claim the nations
Of the world for You, Jesus
By Your word of truth
We're crossing over
To win the lost for You
Verse 2:
Your cross before our eyes
You set our hearts on fire
To give what we can never keep
To gain what we can never lose
Yeah, then just start from bridge and then repeat the chorus a few times. Yeah, these two songs really impacted me a lot and seriously, you just can't feel it just through the lyrics. Listen to the song and I can almost 100% guarantee you that you will be able to almost feel what I am feeling when you hear the beautiful melody and tune.
Well, I've got to hit the sack and snore some 'Z's. Nights y'all! And I'm out! Anyways, here's a photo of me with one of the puzzles I'm most proud of. A 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle of two wolves with the moon and some mountains in the background. So proud of it...
Posted by B at 10:06 PM
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
I was tagged by Yuan Qi to this 'survey'. So, might as well. List 20 people's names:1. Lokies2. Ryan3. Dirge4. Raminder5. Christina6. Guan Yuan7. Ernest8. Yuan Qi9. Shobana10. Kelvin11. Carol12. Joel13. Joey14. Shyang Zhi15. Schumann16. Ataru17. Chris18. Bertram19. Ayron20. JoshuaHow did you meet 14? (Shyang Zhi)Ans: Through school...What would you do if you didn't meet 1? (Lokies)Ans: Things would be quiet around here, seriously...What if 9 and 20 dated? (Shobana and Joshua)Ans: ... ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!Would 6 and 17 date? (Guan Yuan and Chris)Ans: Most probably not, seriously.
Describe 3 (Dirge)Ans: Awesome mentor and friendIs 8 attractive? (Yuan Qi)Ans: You could say that ^^Describe 7 (Ernest)Ans: Aw, hell... Frenemy. That's it. FRENEMY. Friend and enemy, kay?Know any of 12's family members? (Joel)Ans: Yup. Brother, sister, mother, father. What would you do if 18 confessed that he/she liked you? (Bertram)Ans: Faint, knowing that in a twisted kind of way, Joshua must've screwed with his mind or something. Seriously.What language does 15 speak? (Schumann)Ans: As far as I know, english and chinese.Who is 9 going out with? (Shobana)Ans: No one. Duh. How old is 16? (Ataru)Ans: 24When was the last time you spoke to 13? (Joey)Ans: About three weeks ago cause I've been missing church because I've been sick. Who is 2's favourite band/singer? (Ryan)Ans: Don't really know. He likes lots of stuff. Jonas Brothers or something...Have you ever dated 4? (Raminder)Ans: No way. Seriously. Would you ever date 1? (Lokies)Ans: Sure, why not? Strictly as friends only though. Is 19 single? (Ayron)Ans: Well, as far as I can see, yes. But hey... You never know what secrets my brother could be hiding... Hehe...What's 10's last name? (Kelvin)Ans: TanWould you ever be in a relationship with 11? (Carol)Ans: NO!Which school does 3 attend? (Dirge)Ans: Not exactly sure...Where does 6 live? (Guan Yuan)Ans: I don't know. Bukit Batok or something?What's your favourite thing about 5? (Christina)Ans: She's bubbly, full of life, enthusiastic and she's the paranoidqueen! ^^Have you ever seen 2 naked? (Ryan)Ans: That' just sick. Seriously. OF COURSE NOT!Tag 5 people to do this:I tag anyone who wants to do it but my 5 special people are Christina, Joshua, Ayron, Lokies and... Um, who else in that list got blogs? Um... Ah, I'll just pick Ryan lar... So, Christina, Joshua, Ayron, Lokies and Ryan. Get to it guys. ^^
Posted by B at 9:32 PM
Science went by better than I thought! Finished in 45 minutes, took 15 minutes to check my work and I spent the remaining hour day-dreaming, seriously. Tomorrow is mathematics... Dead... Doomed... Got my calculator ready! Now my mind is just aching to get at those questions. And one more thing, to all my fellow 1N2ians... I. Do. Not. Like. Ernest. Seriously. AND DON'T LISTEN TO A THING JESSICA/MINJEI/SHOBANA SAYS!! Ernest is a frenemy. A friend and enemy but leaning into the enemy side, yeah? AND THAT'S ALL!Oh man... I'm so bored. I love rabbits. CIP on Friday. Oh hell, seriously. O-KAY NOW. Exams will be over this Friday and then I can jump around and yell 'hallelujah' and start dancing and singing. Just like when PSLE was over.Alrighty then. I don't got much to say. I'm just bloody bored, seriously.I'M BORED! Here's another abstract...
Posted by B at 2:24 PM
Monday, May 5, 2008
Today was mothertongue. Went off without a hitch, man. Was done in like, 40 minutes, seriously. It was alright. Then I got almost everybody to sign Mr Chia's birthday card then Shobana, Logeys, Guan Yuan, Ernest and some others guys and myself went to meet Mr Chia. Then we passed him the card, I suggested we sing him happy birthday so we did (really off-tune!). And then we chatted for like 10 minutes and then we parted ways, seriously. I took the bus home with Shobana today so it was filled with loud boisterous laughter from Shobana and me trying REALLY REALLY hard to contain my laughter so it ends up in quiet, silent snickers but still making noise so people will look at us. Today's theme was girly high school girls. So, we were like:"Don't touch me! I might break a nail!""*Gasp* Did you see that new boy in school today?""*Gasp* YEAH! He is like, so cute!""I know, right?! He is so hot!""And guess what? HE SMILED AT ME!""I know how you feel girl, his smile is so dreamy! *Gasp* And did you hear about Sherry (made-up person)?""Oh, you mean that biatch who stole my boyfriend last year?""Yes! She stole poor MJ's boyfriend!""Oh, that biatch!""I know, right?!""Anyways, back to the new boy. You know, his hair is like, so cool!""I know! And we are skin tone compatible! Oh, he's mine!""No, he's mine!""MINE!""Hmmph! You're not my BFF anymore!""Fine!""Fine!""OH AND DID YOU SEE THE OTHER NEW BOY?!""YES I DID! Oh my goodness, *Squeal* today, he said to me... hi.""*Gasp*""And then he asked... doyouhaveanextrapencil?!""*GASP*""So girl... I said yes... AND I GAVE HIM A PENCIL!""Oh you are so lucky! And he is so cute!""I know, right? But this one's mine!""Oh alright! You can have this one. I want the other one.""Thanks for being SOOOOOOO compromising! Oh, you're my BFF again!""And you're mine!"Dawdle dawdle dawdle. Then we acted out some parts from movies like:"Oh, hello. Did you come here alone?"Yeah, what's it to you?!""Oh, nothing, hi, my name's Kenny. ^^.""...""So... What's your name?""Ah beng.""Hahahahahaha!"Pushes me. "What's your problem lar?! Got something wrong with my name, is it?!""Oh... Sorry... Your name is really "Ah beng?""Yeah lar!! Got problem ar?!""Hmmph. I made a mistake. Sorry.""Say sorry for what lar?! Siao!"Alright... It's a you-got-to-be-there joke, yeah. AND IT WAS ALL DONE ON A BUS! A FRICKING BUS! HAHAHHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAAA!! Unfortunately, my stop soon came and I had to get off... Sad... HAH! Should be doing it again tomorrow. And then from High School Musical."Oh... You are so dedicated. Just like me!! *GIRLY, AND I MEAN REALLY GIRLY, GIGGLE*"Anyways, thinking of a them for tomorrow. How about 'gangster' theme... Or... 'emo' theme! YEAH!"Life is nothing but a turmoil of hate... pain... sadness and... and hate, pain and sadness..."OR WE COULD DO A LOVESICK THEME!"*Sigh* Why?! Why doesn't he love me as much as I love him?! WHY?! I LOVE YOU KENNY! WHY YET DO YOU STILL PUSH ME AWAY?! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME! NO!"Anyways, here's another abstract. When I find more photos, I'll post them, kay? ^^
Posted by B at 7:27 PM
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Hey! Decided to blog in colours today! See how it turns out! ^^ Anyways, I'm currently blogging with Jaslin watching a horror movie, Ayrton bathing and me putting on my MP3. Ayrton was supposedly to help me draw some stuff on my walls. Come over and see it next time you come to my house, yeah! ^^
Also, Lokies, Shyang Zhi and Ayron are in Ayron's room. Shyang Zhi is watching them play Halo 3! I've always been practicing some japanese phrases!
Ongaku no watashi inochi!
Anata no watashi saikono tomodachi!
Anata imas are watashiwa no yumega! Watashi imas anata no shinjite no!
Haha... Gonna learn more phrases soon... I also sprained my ankle while getting out of the shower just now. It's not too bad, I can walk normally, just that I can't like... Run or jog or do anything too quick. It hurts but not too much.
MOVING ON, Ayrton's half-way done with my wall and I'm reserving one wall as a "wall of friends". Gonna write all my friends' names down there. And if they somehow suddenly became my enemy or so, I will paint over there name. Haha...
So, anyways, tomorrow is the mothertongue exam. Most probably gonna breeze right through it. Tomorrow, Mr Chia is visiting also. We were gonna play basketball but with my sprained right ankle... DAMMIT! WHY NOW OF ALL TIMES?!
Okay... It's about 10:35PM. Ayrton promises to draw something on my arm tomorrow. ^^ Alright, tomorrow's gonna be a long day man... And I'm still not the least bit tired. Think I'm gonna work on "Don't Give Up." It's gonna be one of my best stories yet... And also one I think related to me a lot at one point of time.
I'll just go work on it now... Yeah... All the best to everyone for tomorrow by the way! ^^
Class photo time.
Posted by B at 9:30 PM
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Today's service was amazing... It was the one of the best services I've ever attended! It was about how we could reach out to the lost on our own. We have to push! Pray Until Something Happens. ^^Pastor Tan led the service wonderfully with stories. It was also good to see everyone again! And although this may be strange, it was good to see Joshua teasing me about Bertram again. It's so... nostalgic. And yes, I finally got my camera back from Bertram! ^^ Enrique came late today so he couldn't sit with us... BUT REALLY! It was great to see everyone again. Except Joey and Joel. They didn't come today so looks like it'll be next week already when I see them again! Anyways, I'm hooked on Disney man! Love those Disney tunes! Especially Beauty & The Beast and Hakuna Matata. ^^Spending tomorrow in and gonna cram for science... Not much to blog about today. Just gonna end this one with another abstract. This one is lovely! Don't know whether it's called 'abstract' though! xD
Posted by B at 8:58 PM
Friday, May 2, 2008
YEAH! Today was Geography and there was an OAS! Okay... It was called an OMS. What the heck does OMS stand for... ?ANYWAYS, next Monday is... *shudder* MOTHERTONGUE PAPER TWO! AHH!Doomed... doomed... doomed... Mothertongue, eh? I'll most probably finish it real quick due to me not knowing how to do anything seeing as I can't even READ! XDAlright, tomorrow's Saturday! Hip hip hooray! ANYWAYS, I'm in love with this anime called Ouran High School Host Club. Trust me, it's awesome!! And only 26 episodes! There's this conceited guy. There's this bookworm. There's this senior who acts like a baby. There's this quiet guy who's like the senior who act's a baby's underling. There are two twins. And there's a girl pretending to be a guy. ...HAHAHAHAHAHHA!! It's an awesome anime... Watch it at man!! doesn't have it... DARN!Also, have been working hard on the Shippuden of my stories. They all get married and have kids so the Shiuppden's about the kids... I'm going nuts. I gotta prepare everything and make sure it all links up. I never thought it'd be this difficult. Anyways, can't wait for MONDAY! TIME TO GET IT OVER WITH! ^^And here's a pretty abstract with lots and lots of colours. Reminds me of paint splatters. Gee, I wonder why? XD
Posted by B at 5:05 PM
Thursday, May 1, 2008
I went through every single chapter on Geography today. Managed to complete everything! ^^ And the strange thing is... I can't get to sleep. Anyways, I just finished... doing something. Hehe... I don't know if that person is reading this blog entry, so shh... Can't reveal until after it's over. CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT WEEK!And I also can't wait for this Saturday! Service again! Oh man, it'll be good to go back to church! Unfortunately, Sunday is a DAY BEFORE an exam. And a day before an exam, I'm cramming man... Take today for example. I kept reading and writing about Geography, I could become the next Geography star student! ^^I know you're all thinking I should have studied earlier. BUT TRUST ME!! My memory is not really good... A few hours before the exam is alright. And I'll refresh my memory again tomorrow in the morning! ^^OKAY! Can't wait to start tomorrow's exam man!! IT'S GONNA BE AWESOME! Also, can't wait to see my friends... Afterall, they are just about the only reason I'm motivated to go to school everyday. ^^ And of course, some teacherS too. ^^ You know who I'm talking about!
Posted by B at 10:20 PM