Wednesday, April 30, 2008
... English exam in Secondary school is not what I expected... For one thing, there is absolutely no MCQ and for another... No, no... There is nothing else EXCEPT THAT!! No MCQ means NO OAS!! WAHH!! Aww... Those things are so fun to shade...Also, because of that, it means I finish earlier... 1h 40mins... Finished in what, 25 minutes... spent the next 15 minutes checking and re-checking and re-checking... Then I spent the next hour, eyeing everyone... It was pretty fun, having the teacher stare me down like that... Neh, I'm used to it... I don't know why but the teachers always like to eye me during exams... EVEN DURING PSLE. It was also fun looking at all the others do their work! ^^ I could see who finished next and who finished last and all. Then because of one small black kitty, I almost missed my bus!Amirul found the kitten actually... All the other girls were backing up into me because apparently, their afraid. And well... You know I love animals... So I took one glance at Amirul holding the kitten and I went: AWWWWWWWW!!! SO CUUUUUUUUTTTEEE!!Then he passed it to me and aw... It was so soft... All the girls kept shrieking: BELLE!! WHAT IF IT HAS A DISEASE?!Aw... Something that cute? Never!! I actually wanted to put it into my bag and bring it back. Oh, Kino would be thrilled. But of course, I didn't... My mom'd go berserk... My back was to the road so when I felt a vehicle drive pass, I looked up and began running. 187Damn bus... Well, at least I managed to catch it. ^^ BUT THE KITTEN WAS SO CUTE!Tomorrow is Labour Day... There's an overnight prayer meeting at... Joel's tonight. But I'm skipping it to study for the Geography... There are only 3 real subjects I can THOROUGHLY study through... And that's Geography, Science and Mathematics. Chinese, English, Art, I can only brush up on. And believe me, my chinese needs a LOT of brushing up on...I'll be going to church this weekend. It'll feel nostalgic. What, after not being there for two weeks? I figured it'd be. Alright... Three papers down and now only FIVE more to go! YEEHA! I'll be spending tomorrow cramming for both Geography and Science. Of course, I'll still use the computer a little. ^^ I live on this thing...Well, here's another abstract. A bit messy but I think it's rather unique. And guess what's it named?Candy.
Posted by B at 8:51 PM
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Today's chinese was unbearable!! SO HOPELESS! I WAS GOING NUTSO! I kept thinking how to phrase my sentences and all!! URGH!! I had the idea, I just didn't know how to put it down in chinese...
So of course, I'll be re-writing it in english! Hehe... And thanks to all my friends who helped me out!! Special thanks to Jia Lin and Guan Yuan yeah!! ESPECIALLY JIA LIN! Love you girl!
Jia Lin is supposed to tutor me every morning for 20 minutes. Today was no exception. I was freaking out and she calmed me down and taught me yeah. Guan Yuan passed me some chinese notes and boy, that helped A LOT. Thanks to both of you! ^^
Anyways, tomorrow is english paper two. Shouldn't be too difficult. ^^ Also, enjoy the abstract yeah! ^^
Posted by B at 11:46 AM
Monday, April 28, 2008
New blogskin! Finally! But it's only temporary until I find another which I find nicer and cooler! ^^Today's english paper one was horrible! HORRIBLE! My hand kept shaking, I couldn't write properly, I couldn't think straight... I'M DOOMED! And tomorrow is mothertongue paper one... Once again, I'M DOOMED!!Oh wells... One down, eight more to go... HANG IN THERE GUYS!! Well, not much to blog about. OH YES! I found this cool abstract on It's just so awesome. Enlarge it and look at it carefully... It's just beautiful... Will be posting more pictures of abstracts from now on since I don't really have any other pictures to post...
Posted by B at 5:45 PM
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Just to let y'all know, I'm much better! My headache and fever is gone. Remaining now is only the flu and bodyaches... My fingers hurt so I actually can't really type this as fluently as I use to... My feet are sore and I hate my bloody nose!! ARGH!! DAMN FLU! GET OUT OF MY LIFE!Anyways, english exam, paper 1 tomorrow... Oh God, I pray I can concentrate despite all these distractions... NINE BLOODY DAYS OF EXAMINATION!! WAHH!! I MISS PRIMARY SCHOOL!! Nine days... six subjects... Oh joy... Oh man... I hate my damn flu... It's blocked up my fricking nose so I can't breathe through my nose... Only through the mouth which hurts because I also got a DAMN SORE THROAT!! DEVIL, YOU ARE SUCH AN ASS!Okay... I gotta get to sleep now, ya? If I wanna be full of energy tomorrow... Keep me in prayers and wish me well guys... Zzz...
Posted by B at 8:08 PM
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Okay, I so totally lied when I said I'd still be going to school on Friday. I didn't get a wink of sleep on Thursday. Literally. I kept tossing and turning the entire night and for some strange reason, I kept thinking about these two characters from Naruto. Hidan and Deidara. Random.When 6AM came, I felt so fricking hot... My head was pounding... I kept sniffing and my mouth kept drying up... I woke up my mom and she told me to stay home. I had no objections this time. Went to see the doctor later. I had all these illnesses attacking me all at once! Fever, headache, flu, sorethroat, and even body aches. No one could touch me without me feeling pain. I slept for 7 hours on Friday. From 10:30 to 5 or so. TODAY, I slept for an estimated amount of 18 hours. First of all, I woke uout 10:30. Really felt like shit. Even worse than before. I COULDN'T MOVE A MUSCLE! Even the smallest gesture would cause me pain!! I quickly took my medicine and went back to sleep at 11... Woke up at 6:15... So all in all, about 18 hours yeah...When I woke up just now, bodyaches were all gone. Could move freely again. And man, I don't think I've ever been so sick before... EVER! And why during this period of time when the exams are coming?! Why in the world am I so fricking weak... ? Ah, forget it... I'm just gonna end this one right now...
Posted by B at 7:57 PM
Thursday, April 24, 2008
240408 - Thanks Mr Chia! ^^
Great... I got a fricking flu again... I'll still be going school tomorrow. To do the chicken dance with Shobana and Ms Bay! But man... I'm so tired and fatigued that I just wanna cry...But hey, everything's great! Recently, I had a conversation with Mr Chia (ex-geog teacher) on MSN last night... I told him some of the problems I had been experiencing as a christian and man... I gotta hand it to him... He sometimes reminds me of Pastor. Do check out his blog. It's mind-blowing and I'm in love with it!He counseled to me and said he'd request his prayer group to pray for me... If you're reading Mr Chia, thank you, my brother in Christ. ^^Anyways, exams are next week. That's why I'm still going to school tomorrow. Gotta suck up as much as I can... Ms Bay's last lesson tomorrow also... Gonna miss her! Well... I am totally exhausted. AND IT'S ONLY 8:21PM!!I'm just gonna end this one right now. Pray for me to get well soon, yeah...
Posted by B at 8:16 PM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
230408 - Three Musketeers are born!
The Three Musketeers (sp?) are born!Okay... Maybe it's more of the three stooges. XD Shobana, Guan Yuan and myself. ^^We were playing truth or dare. Again. Xu Hao dared me to stand on a table and shout I love Ernest three times. THANKFULLY, Ernest was absent today! ^^ Everything they dared Guan Yuan, Shobana and I to do, we did without fail. Then suddenly, Shobana said: "We are the three musketeers! You cannot dare us wan because anything we also will do!"Haha... Shobana and I did the pole dance, the "I'm a little teapot" song, stood on a chair and did the chicken dance together. ^^AWESOME FUN! Then we did the banana dance again! WHOO! Ms Bay laughed till she teared! ^^And then she gave out printed copies of MY composition to everyone. I was shocked. Not that she gave it out. But at my own composition... I couldn't believe that it was really done by me. It seemed like it was done by some pro or something. WOW!ANYWAYS, today was fun! Hopefully, tomorrow will be the same! ^^ But as for now, enter three musketeers! ^^
Posted by B at 5:49 PM
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
220408 - Being a tomboy
Today was great! Time seemed to just fly past today! Was studying japanese today. SELF-STUDY. Anyways, talked about Naruto with Guan Yuan during recess. Ernest made an interesting comment: "Wah, you two should become brother sister liao."Haha... Strange. I always found them to be so distant sometimes and yet, they could always be such good friends. Was sitting according to index number today. So as to get comfortable for the exams next week. Planning a study group today. A lot of people can't come though... Damn. Anyways, I was thinking about how much I've changed from before and now. And as unbelievable as this may sound, when I was younger, about 9 or so, I was a boy-crazy girl. Fluttering from boy to boy. Hah... Can't believe I was ever like that. When I turned 10, man, things took a turn for the better! And I owe it all to my boy-craziness. Here's a strange story. The reason why I got back into wrestling when I was 10 was because I saw a really young Shawn Michaels on the magazine. Haha... He looked really handsome and I wanted to hear him speak and see him in action. Ayrton got the WWE cards for me and I was hooked...After a while, I started becoming less and less of a fangirl. I then began to look up to Shawn Michaels as an role model. And without even noticing, I had become a tomboy. OH YEAH!Yeah, so that's how I became who I am today. I've changed a lot, no doubt. I was just looking at my hands. And I thought to myself: "Belle, you're 13 now. You're a teenager."And then I remembered that no matter how I longed for it to come to pass, I could never turn back time to live the past 13 years of my life again. Those 13 years have past and I'll never get them back. I thought about how I spent those years. Particularly primary school. Primary one, I used to be a, what you would call a loner. I didn't really have friends. That's why my grades were so good.Primary two. Was in the top class. 2H. Made some friends. Chinese marks dropped from 98 to 73. Was still a girly girl back then. Primary three. Boy crazy fangirl. Drooling at any boy that walked past. Was in the third worst class. 3C. Primary four. WWE crazed tomboy. One of the most enthusiatic students. Often got called a troublemaker and was loving it! I have to admit, primary four was when my tomboyishness truly shined out. My friends were ALL guys. I only had one girlfriend back then. And I didn't really spend much time with her anyways. Primary five. Proud to one of the most well-known girls on the P5 level. Thanks to basketball and tomboyishness. Knew every single person on that level. Knew what class they were from and all. Coud even tell you what clique they were from. Primary six. Similar to primary five. Nothing much changed. Just, instead of really being a tomboy, I was more of neutral, leaning into the boys' side. I hung out with both girls and guys. Raminder, Ryan, Lin Zhi, Han Wei, Faizzul, Hidayat, Shahrizal are just some of the boys I hung out with. Carolyn, Waddy, Wei Yin, Jumira, Su Ying, Aisha and Felicia are just some of the girls. I really was neutral back then. Secondary one. Just began man. But I can say that... It's like primary one and six mixed. No real clique or group of friends, a "loner". But neutral. Some of the girls I hang with in 1N2 are just Shobana, Jodie, Hui Ting, Jia Lin and... I think that's abou it. Neutral. Seeing how different I was from primary one to now, in secondary one, I got to think, is my change from a goody-two-shoes to now particularly good or bad?Some 1N2ians are complaining now. Asking me to be more feminine. And this is going to make me sound like I'm angry, but please know that I'm not and I just need to get this off my chest. Alrighty then, I'm saying this to anyone and everyone. I don't need you drilling facts into my mind over and over again. Just think. If I was so boyish that you needed to tell me to change, if I really was so boyish, do you not think that someone else would've told me the same thing already?If I was such bad student, don't you think someone would've already told me?I don't need you to repeat the same thing again and again. Because I've heard it all before. And it's getting old. "Belle, what about what Pastor said? Change is the only constant in life! You must become more lady-like!""Aiyo Belle! Next time how to find boyfriend if you always like this wan?!""Oi Belle, you should be more girl you know..."Or, from chinese teachers (translated of course):"Belle, exams are coming! What are you going to do about your results?!""Last time your chinese so good, what happened now?!""Just try to improve. If you don't put in the effort, how to succeed?!"Next time, if you're gonna approach me about changing something about me which is so obvious, stop and think. Think. Think if someone has said this to me before. Think. I don't need nor want you telling me all this stuff again. If you are going to, at least come up with something original. The first one about me being boyish, about what Pastor said. Yes, change is the only constant in life. But, to all Christians, everything that is happening or will happen to me will be according to our God's will. If I am boyish, it's God's will. If I REMAIN boyish, it will also be according to His will. If God planned for me to change, then just shut up. Because if that's what He planned for me, it will come to pass. So stop worrying, stop complaining, stop whining and just be patient and wait. To some people, you may think that this is such a stupid and nonsensical topic for me to blog about. But this means a lot to me. Okay? Because you have no idea how much these comments affect me. It makes me wonder if I was meant to turn out like this. If me becoming like this was some sort of mistake. And most of all, it makes me think about how cell group members can be contradicting each other sometimes. Whatever, you know? Bottom line, just shut up. Alright? Just shut up. I don't need to hear it from you, because I've already heard it before. Hundreds of times, alright? You wanna say something, come up with something original. And, really, why should you care? It's MY life, not yours. Let me live the way I want to live. And I can say something to you right now, that I'm so confident of. You wouldn't like it if I became more of a girl. Wanna bet? You'd be uncomfortable with it. You'd wish that the quick, rebellious and boyish Belle would come back. And I'm confident of that. Do you know how serious this has gotten? I got people teaming up with others, thinking up of plans to try to make me change. I got people coming up to me, saying: "Belle, you don't become girly, I don't friend you liao."To those people: Screw you. I don't need "friends" who can't accept me for who I am. STOP EXPECTING ME TO CHANGE! ALRIGHT?! I'LL CHANGE WHEN MY "TIME" COMES! JUST SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE ABOUT IT, ALRIGHT?!Whew... Got that off my chest. FINALLY! HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^Just to get this clear, I'm not angry at anyone, just simply irritated. ALRIGHTY! Anyways, changes, yeah? Like changing from primary to secondary. Yeah, secondary school has been exciting so far. It's like... stepping into a whole new era! And I may not know much about this era, but I'm sure as hell gonna find out! XD
Posted by B at 6:27 PM
Monday, April 21, 2008
I've said this before and I'll say it again; the one thing I hate about growing up is, I'm becoming more sensitive...I just finished reading one of my favourite fanfictions. It's not mine, I found it on the internet. It's so sad... Nearing the end, I almost cried! SEE?! OVER-SENSITIVE!! The last time I read this story was last year and I didn't feel like crying... BUT NOW!! ARGH!! I HATE BEING SO MUSHY MUSHY!Anyways, school was fine. Had fun during P.E. Played Captain's Ball. My team won!! Tucked in shirts won 12 to 7! ^^Played truth or dare with my friends again during recess. At the end, Jodie and Guan Yuan dared Ernest to go down on one knee in front of me and ask me to marry him. THANK GOODNESS MS BAY WALKED IN RIGHT AT THAT MOMENT!!Shobana and I danced the banana dance with Ms Bay! HAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA!! Cut out some parts though. Chicken dance on Friday! ^^Not much to blog about. Oh yeah... Walked home in the rain today. Tried covering myself with stuff, no use. Still got drenched. So I thought: "Ah, what the hell? I'm already wet..."My bag and its contents are outside on the dining table, drying. I can't believe it's already 3:22!! URGH!! So much time wasted man...
Posted by B at 2:56 PM
Friday, April 18, 2008
180408 - Life
School was fine. Alright, I got two examples of life. It's quite short. And I'm not sure if you'll agree. But it is what I think. Life is, as cliche as this might sound, a jigsaw puzzle. Yup, one of my hobbies. This suddenly came to me just now. It's like when you're fixing a jigsaw puzzle. Your aim would be to complete it and look at the beautiful picture you've put together. Same for life, once you've come to the end, you look back and see the beautiful picture you've drawn for yourself. As each piece fits, you are getting closer and closer to completing the puzzle. As each day goes by, you are, as sad as this may be, we are getting closer to the end. Don't worry though!! Our puzzle has thousands of pieces! ^^Anyways, no matter how difficult or depressing a period of time may be, it still fits into our huge puzzle and connects with all the other times. Happy or sad. There may come a time when the piece you thought would fit, didn't. And instead, it was another piece. In life, you may expect something to happen, but it doesn't. And instead, something else happens. At times like these, it could be good or be bad. Now, let's look at just one piece shall we? One jigsaw piece is like a cell. Cause it has a cell wall to give it a shape. To me, our cell wall of one day are those simple things we love in life. Like I said before, like how I love it when it rains but the sun is still out. It's simple things like that that make up the shape of our jigsaw piece. Also, we can call life a movie. Or a television show. It's full of drama, love, hate, disasters and beautiful memories. A movie. Where there are characters to make it interesting. There comes a problem which you have to get out of. And of course, you do. You are the good guy of the movie and the good guys always win! ^^The credits will be when we're breathing our last breath, looking back and thanking everyone who helped make your life so beautiful and amazing. And you know what? No matter what we have to go through, no matter what we have to do to finish the race, we will have to go through it. After all, what is a life without tears? What is a life without pains and hardships? What is a life without obstacles? What is a life without problems or fears? A perfect life? Let me tell you something, life can never be perfect, so stop your pissing and moaning and just accept that problems, tears, pains, hurts, disasters, hardships, obstacles and fears are a part of life. Just accept that your life is not perfect. No one's is! What makes you think you can be so special? You've heard the saying "No one is perfect"? Well, here's another saying. "No one's LIFE is perfect."When you've accepted that, stopped your whining, you realize that life is a lot easier to deal with. Because then, you don't EXPECT life to be perfect. You don't EXPECT things to go according to how you want it to be. So when problems crop up, it's easier to deal with. And the saying "life sucks", well, life sucks only when you want it to. It's funny how life really is... life. I found this poem on and yeah, it really is true. Here it is:Life is a river, it just keeps flowing.People are like trees, we just keep growing. And our feelings are like the weather, we despair and we shine. Short but meaningfuly isn't it?Look at your life now. Is it screwed up? Is it going well? If it's going well, good for you. If it's screwed up and you keep wondering why things like your problems happen to you, please understand that's it's just a test. You have to take this test with all that you know and all that you've learned so far. You'll pass the test and come out stronger. It's a beautiful disaster. Wow, okay, this blog entry wasn't as long as I thought it'd be. There were some thoughts I wanted to add in, but I thought: Nah. This blog entry is as good as it is already. I'd really wanna know what you guys thought on my thoughts on life. Leave it on my tagboard! ^^
Posted by B at 3:48 PM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Alright, so I had a little conversation with the cockroach(who prefers to be called Fox now) over MSN. We rapped about our new schools and all. How different our classes now are from 6F and all... We planned to meet up today at Lakeside, wanting to see the school and some old teachers again...ANYWAYS, I'll get to that later. Firstly, school today. Wrote a chinese composition with the help of Jodie, Yuan Qi and Crystal. Three of them got As for their PSLE Chinese...Then D&T... Gonna get a low mark for presentation. DAMMIT! I told Min Jei to bring the freaking sample back with her and she didn't... And we couldn't find the freaking sample in the workshop... So we presented out iLight without the sample... DAMN!Then came Geography. Learning about rivers... The class was sorta on a "okay" behaviour today. And then mathematics which wasn't so bad. Anyways, Mr Hoon kept us back for about 5 minutes to continue teaching and I missed the early bus because of that. I FREAKED OUT! I was meeting Ryan at 2:15. At that rate, I was gonna be late!!But I still made it on time anyways. Arrived 10 minutes earlier no less. It was strange being back at Lakeside again. Met some old friends on the way too... And I grinned everytime I saw the uniform or P.E. attire again. The last time I was there was about 4 and half months ago man. It's still the same. Nothing changed. When I saw Ryan, wow. He grew taller but he's still only at my nose bridge. HAH! AND HIS FREAKING VOICE BROKE!! He actually sounds mature, though he really isn't!! URGH!! It was so freaking strange. And it really is true, the saying; Some things never change. We wanted to go in but unfortunately, we weren't allowed in... Saw Mrs Ansa again! Oh man!! She reminds me so much of Mdm Zainab at my school now. Maybe their sisters? And Mr Hoon's brother teaches at Lakeside. Heh... What a coicindence...So anyways, Ryan and I made our way over to the playground across the street and started talking. He's much better than me at basketball now. He doesn't even have to play to show me. I just know. He's playing almost everyday and the last time I played was 4 and half months ago. And I lost my basketball too... I think it's at Bertram's house. Gotta check with him. Well, we talked for like, 25 minutes? Yeah, then he had to go and I went home. Our reunion of 25 minutes. Wow.So, that was my reunion with Ryan/Fox. I was gonna blog something really long and wordy, but I'm deciding against it. Too long and wordy even for me. It was about life coz recently, Ms Bay's been talking about stuff like: Things you have to do before you die and the simple things we like. One of those simple things would be if it rained but the sun is still out and shining. ^^So, yeah. It reminded me so much about life and the so many things I missed out on and the so many things I loved and appreciated! But, I don't know, I think I'll hold it off for tomorrow. XDAlright, tomorrow will be reserved for first, a bit about what's gonna happen tomorrow and then about life. Life is beautiful! Yes, indeed! Is life beautiful? Yes it is! ^^
Posted by B at 8:08 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
150408 - HOT NEWS!
I'm so excited!! It's a good thing I went to school today, though my mom tried to keep me back. Congrats to Bridgette and Min Lee (if they're reading) on becoming President and Vice-President for Drama!ANYWAYS, back to my hot topic! When I got back to school today, I was filled with so much happiness!! My friends were glad to have me back in class. And Ernest said: "The past few days you never come school ar, the classroom very quiet!"You cannot imagine how happy I was to hear that!! I actually had a place in my class. There was actually a difference made if I did not did not go to school. I saw a small sentence on Jodie's table. She sits next to me. It said in clear black ink: "Belle! Miss u! T-T"HAHA!! It was heart-warming. (But of course, I told her cannot vandalize la!)And then, I proceeded to tell Jodie, Guurpreet and Shobana about the 5 people I especially missed the past few days. Of course, Jodie, Guurpreet and Shobana were of the 5. Guan Yuan was next! But the last person, I didn't know why, but I missed that jerk; Ernest!!I actually woke up on Monday. Then I told myself at our recess time: "Right now, I'd be going down to help Ernest and Guan Yuan buy drinks."Then a few minutes later, I told myself: "If I was in school, I'd most probably be fighting with Ernest."HAHA! Man, I have gotten so used to it! And I really missed that bugger! Oh and he got a new dog!! Jack Russel. Female. But I don't care! I have my Kino! Right Kino?!RUFF RUFF!! *Sneeze* growl, WOOF!!Yeah! That's my girl!Anyways, here's the REALLY exciting news!! Early in the morn, Guurpreet told me that Ms Bay had nominated some students to be prefect. Guurpreet, Irving, Maurice and ME!OH MAN!! How excited I was!! Yes, true, back in Primary school, though I was nominated twice, I refused both times because I was fighting in school at that time and if I became prefect, I'd have to give that up. But now! When I came to Swiss Cottage, I told myself: "I want to be prefect!"God really does see the desires of our hearts!They were given a form yesterday. And today was the last day for the form collection so I went crazy about getting the form! If I didn't get it, fill it in and hand in by 2pm, my chances of becoming a prefect would be over!!Thankfully, Ms Bay came by our class to see if I came to school today (which I did) and so, I filled in the form and handed it in to her later on!OH MAN! That was close. She said I might have to be interviewed by the Discipline Mistress... Oh crap...ANYWAYS, it was also good to see my most famous partner in crime again! SHOBANA! Monitress and the girl in class whose laugh is just too contagious. Today, for some um... personal reason, during science class, she started to laugh. And that made me laugh too. I heard some people behind us laughing also. Her laugh truly is contagious!We both are not those materialistic girls, ya know? And she understands all my USA-ish jokes too!Anyways, on the bus home today, she decided to ride with me and we spent the entire bus ride just laughing about the most random things. Oh man, love that bugger. And then, on the bus, I was like: "Hey! Let's try different accents!"So, the first accent which came to my mind was cowboy accent. So I went: "Howdy pardner!"And we just laughed at that and couldn't continue!! XD"American accent!" she said. "The way I speak is already sort of American accent already la!"Then for absolutely no reason, we laughed at that too! I think because I added the 'la' at the back. So I claimed that they way I speak is already sorta a Amercian accent and yet I use Singapore slang... HAHAHA!!Anyways, there is also this song which has been running in my head. I Could Sing of Your Love ForeverVerse:Over the mountains and the seaYour river runs with love for meAnd I will open up my heart and let te Healer set me freeI'm happy to be in the truthAnd I will daily lift my handsFor I will always sing of when Your love came downChorus:I could sing of Your love forever (x4)Interlude:Oh, I feel like dancing.It's foolishness I knowBut when the world had seen the lightThey will dance with joy like I'm dancing now!!ChorusI've been playing this song over and over again. And I can't get enough of it!! I especially like the part which says: Oh, I feel like dancing.It's foolishness I know.WOW! And recently, ideas for stories have suddenly been rushing in from this morning! I just woke up and an idea came to me about writing about how all of my new 18 characters' mornings go. ALRIGHT! Gonna work on it now! ^^
Posted by B at 2:25 PM
Monday, April 14, 2008
140408 - School is a drag...
I was just visiting Ryan and Yi Sheng's blog. Yeah, two very annoying guys from my Primary school... One of them is a cockroach and the other (in the cockroach's words) a super horny guy. They still are the same old annoying guys. Yi Sheng said he missed Primary school. Glad to know that at least I'm not the only one. I thought everyone'd be so busy with their new friends, ya know? ^^Tomorrow. I'm returning back to school. If not, when the exams come, I'll die. And interesting fact, Lokies didn't go to school today either because of an eye infection. Once again, glad to know I'm not the only one! XDCCAs have all been cancelled due to the upcoming exams which will give me more time to myself at home. It's a good thing that I'm not required to go for any remedials after school unless it's for the whole class. Maths is killing me. It's fricking boring man... And I have two periods of it tomorrow. Two periods of mothertongue tomorrow also. DAMMIT! Sad to say that the subject I'm looking forward to the most tomorrow is Art. Not Geography, not science, nothing else but Art. 1. Since Mr Chia left, the class has been in a ruckus! Creating chaos and Shobana and I have a hard time trying to get them to quiet down. It's extremely difficult for those people who actually want to learn to actually learn. 2. Science is great but it doesn't appeal to me much. 3. Maths. I usually can't understand what Mr Hoon is teaching and it's boring. I sometimes find myself dozing off that I gotta constantly pinch myself to stay awake. 4. Mothertongue for me is chinese. Need I say more?Really, it's sad to say Art is the one subject I'm looking forward to the most. And tomorrow is the Art exam...There is no english tomorrow... So... Yeah. And I don't know... I sometimes think that some of the students don't really like me man... Maybe because I'm too hyper or something? I don't know... There's tension in the classroom and I can't seem to concentrate on anything nowadays... All I feel like doing is curling up into a ball on my bed and just day-dream...And besides blogging, I got nothing to do on the computer either. Absolutely nothing. I find myself going to my own blog and reading the past entries just for the sake of it. I can't continue my fanfictions, I can't start fanfictions... I'm just so fricking bored...And at school, sometimes the classroom gets too rowdy and noisy even to my liking. Vulgarities are being shouted all over the classrooms and it really irritates the hell out of me!! URGH!I don't hate school but neither do I love it... I love the fact that I can along so well with some classmates. I love the fact that most of the teachers are so friendly. But I hate it when my class goes out of control. I hate it when I got so much work to do. I hate that I KNOW, not think anymore, but I KNOW that some of the students hate me for just being who I am. Man... I just can't wait for the Holidays to come. Better yet, I can't wait till I'm out of school and making my way in this hectic world of ours...School is drag...
Posted by B at 10:26 PM
140408- - Happy birthday bro! And I'm not faking
Please believe me when I say I'm not faking sick so I can NOT go to school. Because that's what I used to do in Primary school. But not since I came to Secondary school. So please, I know it's been several days since I've been in school, but the reason I'm not in school today is really because I'm sick. I'm not faking it. It will be especially unbelieveable to cell group members because yesterday, at my brother's birthday party, I was still healthy and fit, drinking sodas and shouting out loud. Especially since Lokies, Yun Ru and I were like: Eh, tomorrow we all fake sick, don't need go school.Of course we were just joking. Oh man... Their never gonna believe I actually got sick for real. XDAt night, about 11 or so, I almost vomitted. I got into a coughing fit later on and my mom heard it. She said if the next morning, I was still not well, she'd keep me home so I wouldn't pass the germs to the other students. And today, Guan Yuan, Natasha and Hui Ting were supposed to show me the jersey example... I needed to see that. Oh man...And tomorrow's the Art Exam! Mom said if I still wasn't well tomorrow, she'd send me to school only for the exam then she'd bring me back home. Anyways, Ayron's birthday party yesterday was awesome. We played Pepsi-cola. You know, that 3-step game. Joel cannot be trusted in that game. Ayron got Sprite dumped over his head and was thrown into the pool. Much to his pleasure. My little cousins were there too. Oh, I miss them so much. From the eldest to the youngest: Lindsay, Delia, Dayna, Licole. Lindsay and Licole and my God-sisters and Delia and Dayna are my cousins. Their sisters too. And Ryan was there too. Ryan TAN. Not Tin. The Ryan related to me, yes. My nickname for him now is also cockroach. ^^We sang Ayron Happy Birthday and took lots and lots of photos. Oh and I want a cap like Joel's!! Big enough to cover my eyes! Lokies also took a ah lian photo of me yesterday. I WANT IT!Anyways, I just took my medicine, drowsiness(sp?) should be setting in soon. So, bottom line is, Happy birthday to my brother, Ayron! And please please please believe me when I say I'm really sick and not just faking so I can NOT go to school today. Okay? ^^
Posted by B at 10:06 AM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
I went out with my family yesterday night to celebrate my daddy's birthday. We left the house about 6:45 and got there at about 7. Ayrton's girlfriend, Jaslin, came along too!We went to Jack's Place where I then witnessed the cannibality of my family.They ate escargo...They ate SNAILS! FRICKING SNAILS INTO THEIR FRICKING MOUTHS WITH THE FRICKING JUICES! (Yes, fricking is my favorite word ^^)It was grrrroooooooossssss...I had a nice plate of spaghetti, thank you very much. We then just joked around with "Yo Mama" jokes. LOL!!Well... Fun and games were over when I got home... Upset stomach. It kept swirling and swirling... I was in no condition to go to church today...When I woke up today, I started coughing until I almost vomitted man... Sneezing stopped. Now it's just coughing and butterfly stomach. Damn...Alright, should be returning to school on Monday if I get better... I can't afford to miss any more lessons, exams are coming on the 28th. Damn...
Posted by B at 9:07 AM
Friday, April 11, 2008
Is it me or is the devil really wanting to attack me now at this period of time?First was my brother... On Wednesday, he came back early from school. Given 2 days MC, excluding Wednesday. Then yesterday, while taking my chinese test, I had a running nose and kept coughing. During recess, it stopped. Then my stomach went all funky...Butterfly stomach... I bought some vanguard (sp?) sheet and did the D&T project during recess. When recess was over and it was time for english... I really had to go home...My dad fetched me from school at 10:15... Got home. I'm telling you, it was like a party back home!! ^^ Ayrton had so many friends over. Their nice! ^^I stayed locked up in my room and later on went to go see a doctor. She gave me 2 days MC and well, here I am now. Oh, and I can hardly believe my last visit to her was in August 2006!! 2006, not 2007!! WHOO! Healthy man, healthy! Well... Not now though...Anyways, just last week I missed school. Now I'm missing it again? What the hell is wrong with me?! Even back in Primary school, I didn't get sick this often! >=(I'm missing execise time because of this... And today is CCA too!! I'm hoping Mom will allow me to go to school later for drama. Then I'll come right back after it's done. Hopefully, Mom will agree. ^^Anyways, I'm bored to death here right now. I've got absolutely nothing to do. And I've got "writer's block". Those stories which are in progress, I don't know how to continue and I can't think of anymore ideas for stories! URGH!!
Posted by B at 9:47 AM
Monday, April 7, 2008
Alright! Today's a special day for me!! Happy birthday to He who lives in me! Oh yes, happy birthday to Irving too!!Today's Drama went really smooth! And our principal, Mr Liu, said that he liked my enthusiam. Oh yeah, I was also voted by my class Most Enthusiastic Girl in 1N2. Yay!! Thanks guys!!I was really nervous, standing in front of the Sec 1s and 2s in my army jeans and white shirt. It was fun and we're doing it again for the Upper Sec tomorrow! ^^ Anyways, I'd really thank God for the so many opportunities he has given me for being MC for Drama. Because, on Friday, one of the Drama seniors who is now in ACJC has a younger sister named Dorothy. She asked me if I knew her. But I didn't. So my senior says that it was strange but her younger sister said that there was this girl called Belle who is a new member in Drama and that she's really talented! Very athletic, very enthusiastic and creative! I couldn't believe my ears! I didn't even know this Dorothy, yet she knew my name, my CCA and also my class. Yes, she also asked if I was from 1N2. And than my senior praised me by saying; "Finally! Some talent in the drama club!"WOW! It wouldn't be possible if not for the so many opportunities God has given me. So really, I just wanna thank Him for all of it. Anyways, while waiting backstage to go to centre stage, I met some of the basketball players. How funny they were! They were even more nervous than Sherlyn and I! And I found it so amusing to find my seniors in that state!! They were like, "Huh?! No last minute rehearsal ar?!"HAHAHA!! But all the Sports Leaders were great and fantastic! They were friendly too. Very cooperative. Although some of the drama members said that some of them lacked enthusiasm. And all the balls kept rolling off stage. Basketball, soccer and the floorball ball as well! Hahaha!Oh man... Can't wait for tomorow!! Gonna do it again! The Upper Secs will be harder to rile up. But I'm sure everything will go fine! And it was so fun to run around school in home clothes. ^^ Also, I ran my 2.4 today!! And... here are the results... Out of about 40-50 girls running, I got...10A pat on the back for me yeah! Yup yup! I got into the top 10. FINALLY! ^^ It was shorter than I thought. Yeah, I got the same position as Guan Yuan and Don got in 4!! HOW COULD HE GET 4?! I THOUGHT HE WAS SLOWER THAN MAURICE!! Maurice got in 8. And Ernest got in 16. Qi Zhen could've gotten in 1st, but he ran 5 rounds instead of 4 and got in 12 instead. *Sigh* Careless mistake!! Oh wells, all in all, our class did really well. But I really feel the cherry on top of today's sweet day was really when Mr Liu said he liked my enthusiasm. I've never had a principal speak to me directly like that. And it really is very encouraging. Oh, and I caught the early bus home too ^^
Posted by B at 2:12 PM
Sunday, April 6, 2008
050408 - Finishing The Race
Warning: This blog entry is long and wordy. Mostly about my P6 days. And also be warned that you'll be seeing the word 'remember'/'remembered' a lot in this entry. Thank you.ALRIGHT! Tomorrow is the big day for the 'MCing' for International Friendship day! It is also the day for my 2.4 for NAPFA! Yes, I JUST learned that it is spelled as NAPFA. Anyways, today's Bible study lesson with Lokies and cell group went really well. Man, I can't believe it's been so long since I last gave a testimony! But more importantly, it's my birthday tomorrow!I'll be one year old in Christ Jesus tomorrow! I can't believe it's really here! Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to meeeeeeeeeeeeee! Happy birthday to me! God is blessing me now! God is blessing me now! God is blessing me nooooooooooooooowwww! God is blessing me now! XDLike my brother said today, one year's so fast and yet so long. He didn't know how it linked up. But I did! If you looked at it in general terms, meaning how the world looks at it, yes, it's been so short. If you calculate up all the weekends I spend in church, they add up to only a few months and not an entire year. That's why it seems so short. BUT! If you look at it on a more personal note, so much has happened. From outreach programs, to special speakers, to celebrating birthdays and Emerge! Oh my goodness! I miss Emerge! more than ever! Oh my gosh!! I sometimes still wear the bangle. ^^But, man... From how I slowly got to know people, ya know? For example... Enrique and I were not very close from the start. But then he and I now are like siblings, ya know?! And... Oh my goodness, yes, Joel and I! I remember that we weren't such good friends before. But we are now! ^^ Which I think he sometimes think is unfortunate... XDBut GOODNESS ME! So much has happened this past year. Sooooo much. I've gotten so many more friends. And the feeling of contentment comes by more often now. Anyways, I was smsing with Ryan the other day. And in all the changes, all the rush, I feel very reassured, knowing some things really never do change. Ryan's still the same little cockroach I knew. ^^ I don't know about his height though... Is he AT LEAST taller than my cousin who's also named Ryan who is younger than him? I told Ryan to play basketball or soccer, but noooooooooo... He wouldn't try playing. Anyways, it was really good to hear from him again and I really can't wait for Teacher's Day to roll by! I'd get to see all my friends again. I wonder how's Lin Zhi doing? Missing that tall, big lug! I wonder if he's changed. I mean, DRASTICALLY changed. Man, I really miss those 2. I remember, those 2, me and Raminder were really close. Especially since we were all from Green house too!Oh man... Good times, good times. I remember the last day of school. How emotional some people got. How upset but yet happy I was. I was going nuts! I smsed all my classmates that day. Just telling them how much I'd miss them and good luck in the new school. Yeah... I miss all of them. I remember sitting in the classroom, watching 200 Pounds of Beauty. I don't know... 1N2 is sorta different. Their a great class! Don't get me wrong, 1N2 is a great class. But there's a different feeling here. More vulgar people, more... ahem... girly girls who hang around in their own cliques. I don't mind that. But maybe... You see, in 6F, we didn't have any mini cliques. We never seperated girls from guys or guys from girls. We were really united. I could go up to anyone and make a conversation with them. Anyone at all. No matter what race or what religion. We were really harmonious. In fact, my best GIRL friend was a different race and religion too. Man, I miss Fadillah! She was really one cool cat. I miss her so. I can't make judgements about 1N2, because this is only the start of the 4th month together. And 6F was together for 2 years. From 5F to 6F. I miss... everything. How we would tease Thiru and Praveen to no ends about each other. How Ryan, Lin Zhi and I would constantly just joke around. Mostly about the subjects or the teachers. Or mostly just about how draggy school was and our plans for our future schools and all...I remember, the last few weeks of school, we'd go to the computer lab everyday and watch Prince of Tennis while playing computer games...And man... I remember sweating under the sun, playing basketball. What a joy it was. I was one of the best basketball players then, I remembered. Of course, there were many others who were better. Wang Kang and Jia Wei, definitely. Those darn 15-year olds... Their turning 16 this year... And Kenneth and Aaron. But all in all, basketball was really the one thing which made me stand out. I remembered that the start of P6 year, I was banned by Mrs Toh to bring my basketball so I could focus on my studies. But I refused to let it go just at that. I made some plans and did some exchanges with our allies, 6E. Oh yeah... From P5 to P6, it was like that. Each class would have it's ally. 6A to 6B. From 6C to 6D. From 6E to 6F. 6G to 6H. So yeah, 6E were our allies, you could call it. We'd almost know all the other students in the other class and we were joint. Like allying countries. I just wanna have those days back here again. I'd give anything to have them back. I also remembered that the last few days of school, I kept telling myself that I'd give almost anything to make these days last. Almost anything at all to make it last. Because it was in that very school where I first felt the feeling of family among friends. And I loved them to bits for it!I remember the darn wrestling ring. And how we'd sometimes play catching around it. So darn fun. Man... I remember PSLE. We went in, quietly wishing each other good luck and 'jia you's. How we rejoiced when the last paper was over. How some of us jumped and danced down the stairs(me). But, yeah... Okay, enough remembering. Time to look forward to the future yeah! ^^ The past years were great... But the future years will be greater, no matter what valleys I have to go through. No matter what hardships I have to go through. Through the good and the bad times, no matter what, I will make it through. Cause, really, to me, that's what life is about. It's about getting through every single obstacle in your way to finish the race. And this girl is gonna run until she finishes the race
Posted by B at 10:27 PM
Friday, April 4, 2008
Sorry for not updating recently. Well, being back in school was great on Wednesday. I got to see my friends again. ^^ Yeah, then there's the problem with the jersey again. Right now, Mr Hoon holds the $300+ of the students that have already paid. But now, he says he needs us to find out who's not buying, we need to print out the aims, description, cost, who wanted in, who's in charge, what's what and who's who and all that stuff... No problem with that!! Love doing that kind of stuff!!We've been experiencing trouble with the jersey. Firstly, it may no be allowed by Mr Hoon. 2nd would be trying to find a reliable shop. Natasha, Guan Yuan and Hui Ting will be going to Queensway on Sunday to check it out. Again. And then the drama thingy. Today was the last rehearsal. And lots of stuff was impromptu. People handed in the commentaries late which made it difficult for us to come to a final script. Last minute changes were made which just made Sherlyn and I as confused as heck. 2 seniors took over for us because of that. But Sherlyn and I will still be MCs. Apparently, there was a difference between host, MC and commenator. So now, the 2 seniors became the commentators. Sherlyn and I are the MCs and Guurpreet is the host. Finally all settled out.I just pray that Yee Jeng has gotten my email...And I can't believe how much I've miss those 2 days I was absent! When we came back to Math and science, I was like: "Oh heck... I can't understand a thing..."SERIOUSLY! But I managed to understand after reading the questions and the answers and the textbooks... Been swamped. Really... Alright. Church tomorrow. Cell group on Sunday. Most probably gonna leave once it's done... Gotta try to get in MY OWN time. Me and my computer. Wells, I'm gonna go see if there's any I can do online now. See yas!
Posted by B at 8:41 PM
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Didn't go to school... Freak it... Missing my classmates terribly... Missed out on drama too... In deep trouble man... I've still got to do the commentating thing for the International Friendship Day. CRAP! This is so impromptu!Anyways... Feeling better and will be going back to school tomorrow. CONFIRMED! And the NAPHA (sp?) will be on Thursday... So fast... Aiming for Gold man...Nothing much to 'report'. And Happy 18th to Joel! ^^ And happy April Fool's day too! ^^ To my classmates, see ya tomorrow!
Posted by B at 3:58 PM